SysCV / bdd100k-models

Model Zoo of BDD100K Dataset
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Please tell mmcv/mmcv-full version numbers for pose estimation? #23

Closed ucalyptus2 closed 1 year ago

ucalyptus2 commented 1 year ago

I have been tearing my hair in trying to run the pose estimation because of version errors:

for your case, what was the mmcv and mmcv-full version that u used because the latest version don't work.


ucalyptus2 commented 1 year ago


d4l3k commented 1 year ago

You can see what works for me at

thomasehuang commented 1 year ago

MMCV was recently refactored, so it is not completely compatible anymore. You can get around this by installing an older version mmcv < 2.0 (instructions here). For your reference, the versions I'm using are mmcv-full==1.5.0 and mmpose==0.18.0. I will make the upgrade to mmcv>=2.0 so it will be compatible with future versions, but that will take some time. For now, I'll update the installation instructions to avoid version issues with the current version.

Thanks @d4l3k for helping out!