SysCV / sam-pt

SAM-PT: Extending SAM to zero-shot video segmentation with point-based tracking.
Apache License 2.0
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Fail to download UVO dense dataset #36

Open LuciferZap opened 2 months ago

LuciferZap commented 2 months ago

Hello, as describe in the dataset prepare part, the second google drive path is no longer available, how can i get the uvo dense and sparse dataset? " cd data

pip install gdown gdown --no-check-certificate unzip rm

Download the preprocessed videos

gdown --no-check-certificate --folder unzip UVO_Videos/ unzip UVO_Videos/ mv uvo_videos_dense/ UVOv1.0/ mv uvo_videos_sparse/ UVOv1.0/ rm -rf UVO_Videos/ rm -rf __MACOSX/"

m43 commented 2 months ago

The link was taken from the official dataset website here, but it does not seem to be accessible anymore. I think you should contact the dataset creators/maintainers for help.