Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago
Hi, after upgrading SCCM to 2203 i get an error running the Invoke-GetPackageIDFromAdminService. The error is: the remote server returned an error (400) Bad request. Error in line 473. The line 473 contains the following:
$Packages = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $WMIPackageURL -Body $Body @InvokeRestMethodCredential | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
I can see that people are asking on reddit. Do you know what the issues could be?
I am having the same issue after upgrading to 2211
I updated the script in my repository to work with ConfigMgr latest version. I did not update the file though, so you will have to edit the task sequence step and update the script within the task sequence itself. Here is a link to the updated script:
Hi Charles, I have used the MDM solution for a while but wanted to migrate to using your version in conjunction with our CMG. As far as I can tell there is no Driver Package Filtering based on Win10/11. What happens when it finds 2 packages that match OS Architecture? Any chance of adding a target OS Version similar to that now used in Invoke-CMApplyDriverPackage.ps1 ? We don't have OSBuild numbers on the packages (Dell shop) to differentiate. Or would I be better off adding Build Numbers into the package names? cheers.
Hi @FlannelNZ, You are right, there is nothing in the script right now to filter based on the OS version. I don't work with ConfigMgr anymore which is why I did not keep this solution updated. I also do not have access to a test environment to do my testing if I were to try and improve this solution. If you're willing to do some testing for me, I could try and add a parameter for Windows version and see if that works.
Hi CharlesNRU, We haven't integrated Windows 11 in my environment yet. But I will be testing this soon. Probably in a few months. I would be willing to test any updates to your script in my environment and provide feedback.
This is just an update to let you know that the script and the were updated. There is now a new parameter that can be used to specify the Windows OS version when applying drivers.
Updated Modern Driver/BIOS Management with CMG Support-SysManSquad | Systems Management Squad
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