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Multilingual findings #8

Closed noraj closed 1 year ago

noraj commented 1 year ago

Description and why

Pentesters from english-speaking countries are maybe the only ones that don't need this feature.

But in other countries you will need to have a finding library in both English and your native language and some countries also have 2, 3 or more official languages.

Very often, in non-english speaking countries, you need to write pentest report in several languages so having a Multilingual vulnerability database is critical for them.


It needs a change of the SQL tables.

Instead of having something like

  - vuln1:
    title: xxx
    description: xxx
    cvss: xxx
  - vulns2
    title: xxx
    description: xxx
    cvss: xxx

You would have

  - vuln1:
    cvss: xxx
      - en:
        title: xxx
        description: xxx
      - fr
        title: xxx
        description: xxx
  - vulns2
    cvss: xxx
      - en:
        title: xxx
        description: xxx
      - fr
        title: xxx
        description: xxx


A common workaround and why it is bad.

A common bad workaround is to add a lang prefix in the title of the vulnerability.

Like [EN] SQL injection and [FR] Injection SQL.

Or here in SysReptor to create the same vulnerability two times with a different value in language field.


This is terrible for multiple reasons.

When having multiple languages, only field containing text or sentences need to be translated, all other fields like the CVSS vector, CVE, vulnerability ID, etc. don't need to be translated and can be stored only once in the database.

Also when you edit the vuln in one language if they are not linked, you often forgot to update the vuln in other languages too.

It would also be also possible to filter by language.

And for report you can't ask for or vuln.en.description depending on your french or english template.


It's a big long and hard to explain in details. I invite your to deploy and test PwnDoc ( which is the only pentest report platform I know to have a mutli-lang vuln DB. It's easy to deploy with docker-compose so it won't take long to try it.

Here is what I mean in video, I'm talking about multilingual finding template (the data stored, the db schema, etc.) not the translation of the label on the WebUI (I18N):

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

Yeah thank's, we already added more languages in our dev branch: English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Danish, Polish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Greek, Swedish

If anyone else need additional languages, an issue can be opened.

We discussed the feature of multilingual finding templates in the past and for the moment decided to go with having separate finding templates for different languages (as in your screenshot under "Workaround"). It is true that certain fields (like the CVSS score and references) need to be maintained twice in this case, which is not ideal.

However, in our own setup it is currently only:

Because most of the fields have to be maintained separately anyway, we decided keep the templates separately for the moment.
However, we think of linking finding templates of different languages (in the database) which should then provide the functionality you want. We might implement this in the future.

noraj commented 1 year ago

Maintaining the CVSS, references and tags twice, while annoying, is not the biggest issue.

When the different language versions are not linked, some issues will arise over time:

The earlier this feature is implemented, the better and easier. Because it requires a structural change of the code and the database schema, it means breaking changes. So the more features and more complex the platform becomes, the harder it will be to bring this feature and the more breaks it will induce.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

Absolute fair points :)

By the way I didn't see a language field while creating a project so does the project use English by default and there is no way to select the project language for now or is it matching the user interface display language?

Every design has a language too. If you create a project, it inherits the language from the design. However, you can change the language after creating the project.


MWedl commented 1 year ago

I saw there was a List findings only matching current language when adding a finding on a project but there is no language filter offered on the template page for example.

In the template list you can filter for the language code in the search field. Internally we use Postgres full text search for template title, tags and language field. Since the language is stored as language code in the DB, you can only search for the code ("en", "de") and not the display label ("English", "German"). We have not added a language filter to the search UI yet.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

We discussed how this feature could be implemented.

Finding templates of different languages would be linked to each other. If a finding template is open, the user has the options to:

There need to be a list of fields that should be synchronized between linked templates. This can be by default:

This list of fields could be modified, either via the Django admin interface (=database) or via environment variables. This means that this is an installation-wide setting and does not allow granular control.
It might also be possible to define which fields are synced in the finding field settings of the design. However, there might be conflicts in custom fields when they are defined by multiple designs with different sync settings (currently templates provide fields from all available designs, such that templates work for all designs). This is why we discarded the idea.

If a field that should be synced in an existing template is linked and contains different data (e.g. a different CVSS score), this field will be overwritten by the template that is currently open.

If a finding template is opened and a field that should be synced is updated, this update process overwrites values in linked finding templates (last save wins).

When findings are created from templates, the user has to choose which language to use. The field contents of the selected language are then copied into the finding.
Multi-language templates are only available for managing the template library itself. When writing a report, the has to decide for a language.

noraj commented 1 year ago

This list of fields could be modified, either via the Django admin interface (=database) or via environment variables. This means that this is an installation-wide setting and does not allow granular control. It might also be possible to define which fields are synced in the finding field settings of the design. However, there might be conflicts in custom fields when they are defined by multiple designs with different sync settings (currently templates provide fields from all available designs, such that templates work for all designs). This is why we discarded the idea.

If a field that should be synced in an existing template is linked and contains different data (e.g. a different CVSS score), this field will be overwritten by the template that is currently open.

If a finding template is opened and a field that should be synced is updated, this update process overwrites values in linked finding templates (last save wins).

I didn't dig too much in how this could be implemented. But I know PwnDoc has managed to get multilingual finding as well as custom fields. But rather than the idea of having two vulnerabilities and linking them up and synching them up, I had more the idea of one vulnerability with an unlimited amount of lang properties and having all variables fields depending on it and the constant fields across langs such as cvss or tags being at the root level and not under the lang scope as shown in the implementation idea of my original message TL;DR: sounds better that the lang dependant fiels would be properties of a unique vulnerability rather than synching several vulnerabilities. There won't be sync issues if there is no sync :)

I don't see the issue for custom fields either in theory (I didn't take a look at the actual db schema), if custom fields formats are defined in a table and have a unique id, the unique id of a custom field can be attached to a finding template, and the value stored in a mapping table, this way custom fields could be attached to a finding template by default on creation by a field could be removed or added on an unitary basis afterward.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

This would also be a solution, but would be more complex in implementation.

It might also be more difficult to keep the interface clean for users who don't need that feature.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

We once again discussed internally. I maybe misunderstood your suggestion. One more option that we discussed...


A finding template can have multiple tabs. A new tab can created for a new language. If a new language is added to an existing finding template, by default, all field values are synced to the new tab. All fields are then read-only (greyed out) and have button "Translate". If this button is clicked, the field gets enabled and the content can be replaced by the user.

Users can dynamically choose which fields to sync, even per language in one template.


Fields of finding templates are internally stored in a JSON structure. Finding templates will have a "parent" template. If a parent template exists, the template is a translation.

Translations will have no JSON fields by default. If a field is not present in the JSON structure, this means that its value will be taken from the parent template. As soon as the user clicks "Translate", the field name is added to the JSON, which means that the field's value is controlled by the translated finding template (this way, fields can also be empty).

This could also mean that "parent" templates can be of any language. We might want to discuss if this is desirable.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago

In implementation and will be released in July.

noraj commented 1 year ago

In implementation and will be released in July.

This is super good news 🥳 I can't wait to test this and make a video about it.

MWedl commented 1 year ago

Multilingual templates are implemented in

We implemented them similar as described in Templates have a main language and multiple translations. Every translation inherits its fields from the main template and can override language specific fields.

See the template docs for a more detailed description.

aronmolnar commented 1 year ago
