Hi just want to let you know that folder import doesn't work on windows at the moment.
when you select a context file by selecting a folder on windows. none of the files get imported.
I made this version of the addselecteditem code works with folders.
// Convert selectedItems Set to an Array
let selectedPaths = Array.from(this.selectedItems);
console.log("Selected paths in this.selectedItems:", selectedPaths);
// Array to hold markdown files from folders
let markdownFiles = [];
// Recursive function to get all markdown files in a folder and its subfolders
const getAllMarkdownFilesInFolder = (folder) => {
let mdFiles = [];
let folderContents = folder.children;
if (!Array.isArray(folderContents)) {
console.error(`Error: folder.children is not an array for folder: ${folder.path}`);
return [];
folderContents.forEach(item => {
if (item.children) {
// If the item has 'children', it's a folder
console.log(`Entering subfolder: ${item.path}`);
// Recursively get markdown files in subfolder
mdFiles = mdFiles.concat(getAllMarkdownFilesInFolder(item));
} else if (item.extension === 'md') {
// If the item has an extension and it's 'md', it's a markdown file
console.log(`Found markdown file: ${item.path}`);
return mdFiles;
// Process each selected path
selectedPaths.forEach(path => {
console.log("Processing selected path:", path);
// Get the file or folder by path using Obsidian's API
let item = this.app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(path);
if (!item) {
console.error(`Item not found for path: ${path}`);
if (item.children) {
// If the item has 'children', it's a folder
console.log(`Item is a folder: ${item.path}`);
let mdFiles = getAllMarkdownFilesInFolder(item);
console.log(`Markdown files found in folder (${item.path}) and subfolders:`, mdFiles);
markdownFiles = markdownFiles.concat(mdFiles);
} else if (item.extension === 'md') {
// If the item has an extension and it's 'md', it's a markdown file
console.log(`Item is a markdown file: ${item.path}`);
} else {
console.log(`Item is not a folder or markdown file: ${item.path}`);
// Remove duplicates in case of overlapping selections
markdownFiles = Array.from(new Set(markdownFiles.map(item => item.path)))
.map(path => markdownFiles.find(item => item.path === path));
// Use markdownFiles as the final list of selected items
console.log("Final list of selected markdown items:", markdownFiles);
if (this.onChooseItems) {
console.log("Triggering onChooseItems callback.");
} else {
console.warn("onChooseItems callback is not defined.");
Hi just want to let you know that folder import doesn't work on windows at the moment. when you select a context file by selecting a folder on windows. none of the files get imported.
I made this version of the addselecteditem code works with folders.
addSelectedItems() { console.log("FileSearcher: Adding selected items");