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Workbench - Import form Institution #11

Open IanMcCrabb opened 3 weeks ago

IanMcCrabb commented 3 weeks ago

In the import from institution section, I was unsure what was meant by “text” I think this would be more effective if it used search categories like “Keywords” I think that this could also be used in the annotation search function I think that the overarching problem is that in the current search categories you can’t directly see the terms that you have previously filled out when you were annotating the image (attribution, notes, description title etc). Using ‘keywords’ as a search category possibly solves this issue because it is a common search category that people use, not only this but it is used as an all-encompassing search category, when people use it, they assume it considers notes, titles, descriptions etc.

IanMcCrabb commented 3 weeks ago

Need to resolve this with information message that these are institution-specific search facets