Systemik-Solutions / glycerine-support

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Workbench - Access to Annotation Set #21

Open IanMcCrabb opened 3 weeks ago

IanMcCrabb commented 3 weeks ago

While I can search within Glycerine for images associated with GN rock #s, the results do not allow me to start annotating because the “three dots” that would allow me to open the annotation tool do not appear there. Instead, I must hunt through 30+ display frames with the three dots for the randomly sorted images in Glycerine, which takes considerable effort (images to be annotated for an individual rock (for example GN045 inscriptions) are distributed across 4 frames: 045:1 on frame 26, 045:2 on frame 23, 045:3 on frame 21, and 045:5 on frame 19). As I would now like to add annotations to inscriptions on GN065-GN018, is there any way to make the display of results according to numerical classification easier to use?

isobel-andrews commented 2 weeks ago

In the above comment Jason alludes to wanting to be able to search through Image Sets in a collection (#24), as well as issues with the annotation search.

Adrian and Siobhan echoed similar issues with the annotation search:

  1. The search searches all annotation sets on all image sets in the collection. It would be very helpful to have some indication of which image set and annotation set an annotation is coming from.
  2. It would be very handy to be able to open the annotation window straight from the search, so you could search for an annotation and edit it straight away
  3. It would also be handy to have a 'delete' option in the search.
yangli0516 commented 21 hours ago

Added the image set search text box at the top of the image set list. Hopefully this will make it easier to quickly locate an image set to annotate.