input is the identity tuple (with amountype, ...)
the body of the method does:
checks if RawVariable contains such a pattern, if yes return
if not, checks if SingleDataNodeParameter has a pattern, if yes return it at the monthly basis
if not, log error: MissingPattern for goc "X"
This getter should be used in MonthlyAmortizationFactorCashflow instead of
private double[] NominalCuCashflow => GetScope((Identity with {AocType = AocTypes.CL}, (string)null, AmountTypes.CU, (int?)null)).Values;
input is the identity tuple (with amountype, ...) the body of the method does:
This getter should be used in MonthlyAmortizationFactorCashflow instead of private double[] NominalCuCashflow => GetScope((Identity with {AocType = AocTypes.CL}, (string)null, AmountTypes.CU, (int?)null)).Values;
_Originally posted by @dcolleoni in