Systems-Modeling / SysML-v2-Pilot-Implementation

Proof-of-concept pilot implementation of the SysML v2 textual notation and visualization
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
114 stars 23 forks source link

ST6RI-757 Implicit subsetting for occurrenceUsageSuboccurrenceSpecialization is not properly implemented #553

Closed seidewitz closed 3 months ago

seidewitz commented 3 months ago

The occurrenceUsageSuboccurrenceSpecialization constraint in the SysML v2 specification requires that "A composite OccurrenceUsage, whose ownedType is a Class, another OccurrenceUsage, or any kind of Feature typed by a Class, must directly or indirectly specialize Occurrences::Occurrence::suboccurrences." This PR corrects the implicit specialization implementation in the OccurrenceUsageAdapter so that an OccurrenceUsage gets the proper implicit subsetting of suboccurrences whenever its owningType is an OccurrenceUsage, regardless of the direct typing of the owning OccurrenceUsage.