Systems-Modeling / SysML-v2-Pilot-Implementation

Proof-of-concept pilot implementation of the SysML v2 textual notation and visualization
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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ST6RI-765 Update to JupyterLab version 3.x in the Jupyter deployment #564

Closed seidewitz closed 6 months ago

seidewitz commented 6 months ago

This PR updates the Jupyter deployment to upgrade the version of JupyterLab from 2.x to 3.x, which allows the use of Node.js version 16.x. This is then consistent with the setting of Node.js version 16.20.1 in Maven build script. This only affects the installation of the JupyterLab extension for SysML, not the kernel, via the following changes:

  1. org.omg.sysml.jupyter.jupyterlab/package.json – The version for the dependency on jupyterlab/application changes from 2.x to 3.x.
  2. org.omg.sysml.jupyter.installer/ and install.bat – In the conda install command, the version for jupyterlab changes from 2.* to 3.* and the version for nodejs changes from 15.* to <17.

Note. The Jupyter extension installation still uses jupyterlab labextension, which is deprecated but still functional for JupyterLab 3.x. This will be replaced in a future upgrade to JupyterLab 4.x.