SyzygyStation / Syzygy-Eris

An Eris downstream used by Syzygy Station
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Randomizes the License point value for oldified disks. #211

Closed ZeroNetAlpha closed 3 years ago

ZeroNetAlpha commented 3 years ago

About The Pull Request

All this does is add a specific oldification for the design disks that makes the disks have a 90% chance of having anywhere between 3 and 3 less than the maximum value of LP for any old disks.

Why It's Good For The Game

Disks in the trash shouldn't have the full amount of license points.


balance: Balances the old disks to not be as good as just a regular, untarnished disks, 
ZeroNetAlpha commented 3 years ago

i saw that it failed. fixing now.

Jamini commented 3 years ago

This can and should be modularized. You can just take your new make_old proc and put it in its own file in the zzz_modular_syzygy folder. Doing so will reduce the amount of work we need to do when porting stuff from upstream. Generally inline modular stuff should only be included if a change cannot be modularized (I.E. Something needs added in the middle of a long proc)