SyzygyStation / Syzygy-Eris

An Eris downstream used by Syzygy Station
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Autolathen nerfs #221

Closed Trilbyspaceclone closed 3 years ago

Trilbyspaceclone commented 3 years ago

About The Pull Request

FishYesterday at 7:29 PM Uh, I meant- [7:29 PM] A consistent oldification that makes them 15% worse across the board [7:29 PM] not subtypes [7:29 PM] It's high end machinery, it makes a consistent product [7:30 PM] it's just not a particularly good product

New autolathe type that has not of this nerf but a buff! To print faster with a normal micro laser. Hard to fine the boards if at all possable.

Does this. Maybe its untested code

Why It's Good For The Game

Should help make people want to scav or buy better tools from venders/cargo/players rather then getting a disk and making it

Does not affect the Cargo or engi autolathen for the nerfs as they are meant to print these things


add: New autolathe type that has not of this nerf but a buff! To print faster with a normal micro laser.
balance: Basic Autolathens will now print things like tools and guns slightly less affective then buying from a vender or other crew member.
Jamini commented 3 years ago

As I stated before, this FUCKS OVER CARGO HARDER AND BARELY IMPACTS SCAVENGERS AT ALL. Most of cargo's stock, unless you like gambling on crates, is from printed stuff.

We just need fewer autolathe disks in maint. Not nerfing the one thing that actually gives cargo something useful. Literally nobody will buy from cargo if you do this. They will just scrounge guns instead.

Trilbyspaceclone commented 3 years ago

What even is this?