SyzygyStation / Syzygy-Eris

An Eris downstream used by Syzygy Station
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Nerfed Autolathe recycling #224

Closed Jamini closed 3 years ago

Jamini commented 3 years ago

About The Pull Request

Removes ability for autolathe to eat stuff Buffs improved smelter from 25/30/35/40/45/50% efficiency to 25/40/55/70/85/100% efficiency

Why It's Good For The Game

Fewer mats from maint. Less access to rare mats outside of cargo. More reasons for sci to upgrade cargo. Less proliferation of high-end printed equipment.

It's a painful change, but a really necessary one. Autolathes should not be better at recycling than a dedicated smelter. This also encourages people to go to cargo with scrap rather than hoarding it.


balance: autolathes can no longer recycle anything at 100% efficiency
balance: buffed smelter recycling rate when upgraded from 5% per tier to 15% per tier.


I am sorry.