SzczepanLeon / esphome-components

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Support for Apator Elf 2 (microclima/sharky774) HeatMeter #69

Closed sswierczyna closed 7 months ago

sswierczyna commented 8 months ago


I'd like to request support for Apator Elf 2 HeatMeter. It's being decoded in wmbusmeters just fine using microclima driver ( Can you implement such support?

Or any general advice/sample PR how to add implementation for particular device into this repo. Thanks in advance!

Decoded frame contains a lot of interesting data


Auto driver  : not found!
Best driver  : microclima 30/30
Using driver : microclima 30/30
000   : 4e length (78 bytes)
001   : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002   : 0106 dll-mfct (APA)
004   : 04111423 dll-id (23141104)
008   : 42 dll-version
009   : 04 dll-type (Heat meter)
010   : 7a tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (short tplh))
011   : 60 tpl-acc-field
012   : 00 tpl-sts-field (OK)(OK)
013   : 4025 tpl-cfg 2540 (synchronous AES_CBC_IV nb=4 cntn=0 ra=0 hc=0 )
015   : 2f2f decrypt check bytes (OK)
017   : 0C dif (8 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
018   : 0E vif (Energy MJ)
019 C!: 65870000 ("total_energy_consumption_kwh":2434.722222)
023   : 0C dif (8 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
024   : 13 vif (Volume l)
025 C!: 68680201 ("total_volume_m3":1026.868)
029   : 4C dif (8 digit BCD Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
030   : 0E vif (Energy MJ)
031 C!: 79200000 ("consumption_at_set_date_1_kwh":577.5)
035   : 42 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
036   : 6C vif (Date type G)
037 C!: FF2C ("set_date":"2023-12-31")
039   : 0B dif (6 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
040   : 3B vif (Volume flow l/h)
041 C!: 391300 ("volume_flow_m3h":1.339)
044   : 0B dif (6 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
045   : 2D vif (Power 10² W)
046 C!: 600000 ("power_kw":6)
049   : 0A dif (4 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
050   : 5A vif (Flow temperature 10⁻¹ °C)
051 C!: 6302 ("flow_temperature_c":26.3)
053   : 0A dif (4 digit BCD Instantaneous value)
054   : 5E vif (Return temperature 10⁻¹ °C)
055 C!: 2402 ("return_temperature_c":22.4)
057   : 04 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
058   : 6D vif (Date and time type)
059 C!: 082A1631 ("meter_datetime":"2024-01-22 10:08")
063   : 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
064   : FD vif (Second extension FD of VIF-codes)
065   : 17 vife (Error flags (binary))
066 C!: 0000 ("status":"OK")
068   : 2F skip
069   : 2F skip
070   : 2F skip
071   : 2F skip
072   : 2F skip
073   : 2F skip
074   : 2F skip
075   : 2F skip
076   : 2F skip
077   : 2F skip
078   : 2F skip

    "meter_datetime":"2024-01-22 10:08",

Using: wmbusmeters: 1.14.0-78-g866df74
sswierczyna commented 8 months ago

I have realised that Elf2 has similar configuration options to already supported sharky774 🎉

Using below configuration:

  - platform: wmbus
    meter_id: 0x23141104
    type: sharky774
    key: "59C4CEBE0A687F7E2B3CCBFD71718AC0"
    add_prefix: false
      name: "lqi"
      name: "rssi"
      name: "total_energy_consumption_gj"
      name: "total_volume_m3"
    # power doesnt work for some reasons :(
      name: "power_kw"
      name: "flow_temperature_c"
      name: "return_temperature_c"
      name: "volume_flow_lh"

I'am able to read values for:

[11:11:03][D][wmbus:095]: Decrypted T : 4E4401060411142342047A3B0040252F2F0C0E828700000C13818102014C0E79200000426CFF2C0B3B4913000B2D5000000A5A58020A5E2602046D072B163102FD1700002F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F (79)
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'lqi': Sending state 128.00000  with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'rssi': Sending state -37.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'flow_temperature_c': Sending state 25.80000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'return_temperature_c': Sending state 22.60000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'total_energy_consumption_gj': Sending state 8.78200 GJ with 3 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'total_volume_m3': Sending state 1028.18103 m³ with 3 decimals of accuracy
[11:11:03][D][sensor:094]: 'volume_flow_lh': Sending state 1349.00000 l/h with 0 decimals of accuracy

For some reason value for power_kw is not available even frame seems to be correctly decoded 😞 Is this a bug?

SzczepanLeon commented 8 months ago

For some reason value for power_kw is not available even frame seems to be correctly decoded 😞\nIs this a bug?

No. In telegram is 0B2D but in sharky driver it is 0C2B. It is easy to extend this.

SzczepanLeon commented 7 months ago

Please try version 3.1.2 -- 0B2D added.

sswierczyna commented 7 months ago

Thank you @SzczepanLeon for update 🙇 I have updated to version 3.1.2 Much better. Power seems to be decoded, but reported value is 0.04200 kW where actual power is 4.2kW. So decoded value seems to be in mega watts:)

Are you able to adjust this as well ? Or maybe i should change something in my config ?


[11:56:11][C][wmbus:371]: wM-Bus v3.1.2:
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:384]:   LED:
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:385]:     Pin: GPIO2
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:386]:     Duration: 1000 ms
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:388]:   CC1101 frequency: 868.950 MHz
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:389]:   CC1101 SPI bus:
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:390]:     MOSI Pin: GPIO32
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:391]:     MISO Pin: GPIO19
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:392]:     CLK Pin:  GPIO33
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:393]:     CS Pin:   GPIO23
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:394]:     GDO0 Pin: GPIO22
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:395]:     GDO2 Pin: GPIO21
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:402]:   Available drivers:  amiplus, apator08, apator162, apatoreitn, bmeters, c5isf, compact5, dme07, elf, evo868, fhkvdataiii, flowiq2200, hydrocalm3, hydrus, iperl, itron, izar, kamheat, mkradio3, mkradio4, multical21, qheat, qwater, rfmtx1, sharky774, topaseskr, ultrimis, unismart, vario451
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:420]:   Meter:
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:421]:     ID: 588517636 [0x23141104]
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:422]:     Type: sharky774
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:423]:     Mode: T1
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:424]:     Key: '59C4CEBE0A687F7E2B3CCBFD71718AC0'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'flow_temperature_c'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'temperature'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 2
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:coolant-temperature'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'lqi'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: ''
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'power_kw'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'power'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 3
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower-export'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'return_temperature_c'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'temperature'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 2
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:coolant-temperature'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'rssi'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'total_energy_consumption_gj'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'energy'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'total_increasing'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: 'GJ'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 3
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:heating-coil'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'total_volume_m3'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'water'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'total_increasing'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 3
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:water'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:     Sensor 'volume_flow_lh'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Device Class: 'water'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       State Class: 'measurement'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Unit of Measurement: 'l/h'
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:56:11][C][wmbus:426]:       Icon: 'mdi:water'
[11:56:25][D][mbus:035]: Processing T1 A frame
[11:56:25][D][wmbus:096]: Using driver 'sharky774' for ID [0x23141104] RSSI: -35 dBm LQI: 128 Frame: T1 A T: 4E4401060411142342047A7C004025A83F68E9B2F6542E6BCD324A24A0B979F772DCCF3BA4651CC9876B81E7C06ABD43B3AB9CB2A59FB65DFB4ED70D66ECECAD45E1FE591EE6019C03F66F0717BB3D (79)
[11:56:25][D][wmbus:103]: Decrypted T : 4E4401060411142342047A7C0040252F2F0C0E302301000C13566343014C0E49090100426C1F310B3B5609000B2D4200000A5A59020A5E2102046D332B083202FD1700002F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F (79)
[11:56:25][D][sensor:094]: 'lqi': Sending state 128.00000  with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'rssi': Sending state -35.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'flow_temperature_c': Sending state 25.90000 °C with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'power_kw': Sending state 0.04200 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'return_temperature_c': Sending state 22.10000 °C with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'total_energy_consumption_gj': Sending state 12.33000 GJ with 3 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'total_volume_m3': Sending state 1436.35596 m³ with 3 decimals of accuracy
[11:56:26][D][sensor:094]: 'volume_flow_lh': Sending state 956.00000 l/h with 0 decimals of accuracy

my esphome config:

  - platform: wmbus
    meter_id: -redacted-
    type: sharky774
    key: "-redacted-"
    add_prefix: false
      name: "lqi"
      name: "rssi"
      name: "total_energy_consumption_gj"
      name: "total_volume_m3"
      name: "power_kw"
      name: "flow_temperature_c"
      accuracy_decimals: 2
      name: "return_temperature_c"
      accuracy_decimals: 2
      name: "volume_flow_lh"
SzczepanLeon commented 7 months ago

Please try version 3.1.6

sswierczyna commented 7 months ago

In version3.1.6 seems to be perfect! Thanks again @SzczepanLeon

[14:08:32][D][mbus:035]: Processing T1 A frame
[14:08:32][D][wmbus:097]: Using driver 'sharky774' for ID [0x23141104] RSSI: -35 dBm LQI: 128 Frame: T1 A T: 4E4401060411142342047A6B00402513F7D3FB6419FCE281F13D212A38BE1B1373C1391225CA85EFB0C9E4D9AAD549B82994D9E4AD7FBCD55BA92D7858985B61A546C4A10EDF4CCCD004D692F7B1D9 (79)
[14:08:32][D][wmbus:104]: Decrypted T : 4E4401060411142342047A6B0040252F2F0C0E642301000C13848443014C0E49090100426C1F310B3B5909000B2D4300000A5A63020A5E2502046D042E083202FD1700002F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F (79)
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'lqi': Sending state 128.00000  with 0 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'rssi': Sending state -35.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'flow_temperature_c': Sending state 26.30000 °C with 2 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'power_kw': Sending state 4.30000 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'return_temperature_c': Sending state 22.50000 °C with 2 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'total_energy_consumption_gj': Sending state 12.36400 GJ with 3 decimals of accuracy
[14:08:32][D][sensor:094]: 'total_volume_m3': Sending state 1438.48401 m³ with 3 decimals of accuracy