Szkola-Dotneta / BudgetBadgerAPI

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Craeting roles for users #6

Open MadTiger2409 opened 1 year ago

MadTiger2409 commented 1 year ago

Please create roles in the system. The expected roles are administrator - full access to the system (before performing an analysis whether we need such an administrator) budget owner member of the budget

In the future, the given roles will differ in terms of the possibility of performing actions within the budget

MadTiger2409 commented 1 year ago

Most logical move is to create a roles/access table/matrix in the database and use it to determinate if given user can perform certain actions. It will be also most flexible in term of future updates/modifications in this part of the system.

MadTiger2409 commented 1 year ago

Roles can be marked as true/false in database with last field holding binary number calculated based on values from other fields. So every option will be 1/0.

Role name Create Read Update Delete Sum
Admin True True True True 1111
Member True True False False 1100
Viewer False True False False 0100

This way we can use Sum in the Authorize attribute (create a custom one). Sum can be stored within JWT instead or alongside Role name.