Szum123321 / elytra_swap

Automatic elytra replacement with chestplace and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incompatibility With Netherite Plus #18

Closed Tofugrass closed 3 years ago

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

There is a small bug when interacting with the Netherite Plus mod.

When the user is wearing Netherite Elytra, and does not have a normal elytra to swap to, the take off feature does not work.

When the user is wearing Netherite Elytra, and DOES HAVE A NORMAL ELYTRA TO SWAP TO, the take off feature works fine, and the user can take off while wearing the netherite elytra. When the user descends, the netherite elytra are treated as a chestplate, so the user swaps to normal elytra, but replaces it with netherite elytra upon landing.

I think netherite elytra are being treated as a chestplate rather than an elytra item.

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

I believe the JSON is malformed in .

The A on line 9 is causing errors. Commit 6678e9a.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Yes, that A shouldn't be there but I committed it yesterday and that A is not present in any of the releases.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I tested that and everything seems to be ok. So now I have to ask you a few questions like, what additional mods are you using?

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

Can you push the new build? It might just fix itself with the new build. We should try that before anything else.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'll do that today, but, once again, it wasn't broken because of that A

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

The only mods I have are fabric api and netherite plus

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

But what versions?

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

ive tried a bunch of versions. which combination works?

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Yesterday this configuration wokred for me:

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

so you are able to use netherite elytra from a standing position with only firework rockets in your inventory?

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago


Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

what fabric loader build?

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago


Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Have you tried deleting config?

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Wow, I think you're right. It just stopped working.

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

imagine that

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

push the fix lmao

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

it might not fix it but then at least ill be on the same build as you and we can troubleshoot

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Since the last release I changed quite a bit the mod compatibility part, so that's probably why it works now. I have to do some more testing, but if you would like I can share current test build with you

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

Yes that would be great, I can help test.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Just give me a minute to build everything for 1.16.2

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

elytra_swap-2.1.1-1.16.2.tar.gz Github doesn't allow jars so I had to tar it

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

I am failing to start minecraft with this version. Here is a stracktrace at net.szum123321.elytra_swap.inventory.ElytraItemFilter.( at net.szum123321.elytra_swap.ElytraSwap.lambda$onInitialize$0( at net.minecraft.class_310.handler$zdf000$atClientStart( at net.minecraft.class_310.(

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:; at net.szum123321.elytra_swap.inventory.ElytraItemFilter.( at net.szum123321.elytra_swap.ElytraSwap.lambda$onInitialize$0(

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Oh! Right, I'm guessing you're using java 8?

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

oh, probably. is there a java 9 i should update to?

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

No, I just use java 11 most of the time, so I might be possible that I've used feature that just doesn't exist in java 8.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

elytra_swap-2.1.1-1.16.2.tar.gz It should all work now

Tofugrass commented 3 years ago

Works in Java 11. I did not try it in 8. Thank you very much good sir.

Szum123321 commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks for help with testing! New release should be available soon!