T-800a / T8_Units

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Enemy units spawning in rocks #6

Open Celludriel opened 7 years ago

Celludriel commented 7 years ago

I was playing with T8 on Stratis around the kill farm. An area with lots of high rocks. I was playing an CTI zone capture with T8 spawned units. I just couldn't capture the zone and eventually cheated to see a unit stuck in one of the rocks.

Maybe we need to use a backup call in fn_createSpawnPos to make sure the spawn position is safe ? KillzoneKid has posted on the BIForums the following

_position = position player; _radius = 1500; _options = "+trees +forest*10 -meadow"; _result = selectBestPlaces [_position, _radius, _options, (_radius / 10) min 500, 100]; _pos = _result select 0 select 0; player setPos _pos;

another solution could be

_wpPosFEP = [_wpPosFEP, 1, 150, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

Either way it is going to be hard to test this and force a unit to spawn inside that rockformation

T-800a commented 7 years ago

Or change it to something similar like i use in the SME.Gen?


Celludriel commented 7 years ago

Seems like a valid solution have you tried it out in very rocky terrain ? Just to make sure the bug isn't present in SME.Gen as well ?

Maybe as a test we could spawn a dozen squads in a twenty meter radius of a lot of rocks ? Maybe even at the stratis position I encountered the bad spawn ?

When I get home from work I'll open up a feature branch and try to incorporate your function. I'll make a test mission where I spawn a dozen six man squads around the location I had the bug.

Celludriel commented 7 years ago

I got a debug mission here


I ran it twice with no problems but maybe you first want to run some tests on it ? Pull request will be opened