T-Sajad / football-scores-app

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Update Readme #6

Closed josephjclark closed 8 months ago

josephjclark commented 8 months ago

You should add more detail to the project's read me file.

Fix your markdown

First, your markdown is wrong. Your readme uses a format called "Markdown". This is a way of "annotating" plain text and converting it into rich text. This is super useful in github and slack and indeed your code.

Your readme on github looks like this:


It's very shouty, untidy, and hard to read.

If I write Markdown like this:

# This is my title

This is *bold* text. I can do [links](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet) too.

I can also do code:

const x = 10

It'll render like this:

This is my title

This is bold text. I can do links too.

I can also do code:

const x = 10

Add more details

Your intro sentence in the readme is great.

But you also need to tell me:

Remember that writing good documentation is about capturing the important details as briefly as possible. If someone had never seen your code project before, what would you want them to know?

This is what most people include in their readmes (look at react, lodash, vite, react-router on npm - see what they include).

Not all of this is relevant for your of course!