T-Wisse / MEP_Thomas

This repository serves as the documentation platform for my MEP in TU Delft.
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Organization of the journal #1

Closed leilaicruz closed 3 years ago

leilaicruz commented 3 years ago

So the structure will be:

Project-log/ ├── README.md # overview of the project ├── month-1/ # data files used in the project │ ├── README.md # describes where data came from │ └── Week-1/
│ └────────2020-11-18-logfile.md/
│ └── Week-2/
│ └────────20XX-XX-XX-logfile.md/

├── month-2/ # data files used in the project │ ├── README.md # describes where data came from │ └── Week-1/
│ └────────2020-11-18-logfile.md/
│ └── Week-2/
│ └────────20XX-XX-XX-logfile.md/

leilaicruz commented 3 years ago

Looking ahead to your documentation of the project consider to start with a nice project structure to facilitate a more smooth work , like the one propose in this workshop which I highly recommend you to review: https://coderefinery.github.io/reproducible-research/

project_name/ ├── README.md # overview of the project ├── Project-log/ # this is the daily log of the project (this was added by me to this documentation format) ├── month-1/ # data files used in the project │ ├── README.md # describes where data came from │ └── Week-1/ │ └────────2020-11-18-logfile.md/ ├── data/ # data files used in the project │ ├── README.md # describes where data came from │ └── sub-folder/ # may contain subdirectories ├── processed_data/ # intermediate files from the analysis ├── manuscript/ # manuscript describing the results ├── results/ # results of the analysis (data, tables, figures) ├── src/ # contains all code in the project │ ├── LICENSE # license for your code │ ├── requirements.txt # software requirements and dependencies │ └── ... └── doc/ # documentation for your project ├── index.rst └── ...

T-Wisse commented 3 years ago

I have implemented version of this. The coding related folders are in this repo. Log related folders are in the journal_mep repo: https://github.com/T-Wisse/journal_mep