T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Solution seems to Work.. #169

Open creepscompilation opened 2 years ago

creepscompilation commented 2 years ago

RESOLVED: I took the advice from SunandMittal..

Starting with release v0.3.2 filename = "BleKeyboard.cpp"

Find this line: pSecurity->setAuthenticationMode(ESP_LE_AUTH_REQ_SC_MITM_BOND);

Replace the above line to the following from release v0.3.0 pSecurity->setAuthenticationMode(ESP_LE_AUTH_BOND);

So, far.. Android connects, re-connects, keyboard codes work Apple iOS connects, re-connects, keyboard codes work Windows 10 connects, re-connects, keyboard codes work

SunandMittal commented 2 years ago

Dear @creepscompilation, good to hear that workaround solution worked for you :-).

regards, Sunand

makerbitter commented 2 years ago

Hello @SunandMittal @creepscompilation I'm using ninBLE option. How could I solve this? I need use nimBLE option activated. I tested in android, connect and reconnect but keyboard codes don't work.

SLboat commented 1 year ago

it's work for me too!!!

justinkrutz commented 1 year ago

This worked for me as well on my OnePlus 9 with Android 13

SirBramble commented 1 year ago

it worked for me too!!!

Cengls commented 1 year ago

Holy god Man !!!!!! WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN WINDOWS11 ANDROID10

creepscompilation commented 1 year ago

Hey Cengls, I'm happy to help.. I wish I could take credit, but I did alot of Google searches until I was able to find that solution. Keep bangin' on it..

Cengls commented 1 year ago

Hey Cengls, I'm happy to help.. I wish I could take credit, but I did alot of Google searches until I was able to find that solution. Keep bangin' on it..

Ur Best :D Now I'm trying to write a new ble gamepad, because other lib can't work on my esp32