T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Doesn't send some special characters and the last charater go to loop #182

Open Alberto-00 opened 1 year ago

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

Hi, this library doesn't send "_" or other special characters like "!" or "$". Then I don't know when send text my esp32 print in loop the last character of the text that i send (actually i use the version 0.3.2).

I use the function bleKeyboard.print(credentials); where "credentials" is a type String.

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

you can use ASCII codes to send keys:


If the last character goes into loop, either the speed of sending is too high, or you are sending too many chars at the same time. The solution for latter is to send one char at the time using a loop.

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

you can use ASCII codes to send keys:


If the last character goes into loop, either the speed of sending is too high, or you are sending too many chars at the same time. The solution for latter is to send one char at the time using a loop.

I solved the loop problem but the special characters are not shown with ASCII mode. I tried in this way to show "_":

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

Not sure why it happens to you, I just tried quick on my password keyboard ( I am at work now, so no time for testing). It works wit "_" char with no issues whatsoever. You can take a look ant the code for it: https://github.com/ekoslav/ESP32_Password_keyboard/blob/main/ESP32_4x4MatKBD_SPIFS/ESP32_4x4MatKBD_SPIFS.ino

it is under "void SendSequence(String sequence)" - This receives a string and sends it to a BT. It has some special sequences like \r or \s for CR and SPACE

there is also variable "typerate" that is an in for delay in miliseconds. Typical rate is approximately 20 ms on ESP32, but some RDP sessions with poor connectivity requre slowing it down to 200 ms between characters to work.

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

Non sono sicuro del motivo per cui ti succede, ho appena provato rapidamente sulla tastiera della mia password (sono al lavoro ora, quindi non ho tempo per i test). Funziona con il carattere "_" senza alcun problema. Puoi dare un'occhiata al codice: https://github.com/ekoslav/ESP32_Password_keyboard/blob/main/ESP32_4x4MatKBD_SPIFS/ESP32_4x4MatKBD_SPIFS.ino

è in " void SendSequence(String sequence) " - Questo riceve una stringa e la invia a un BT. Ha alcune sequenze speciali come \r o \s per CR e SPACE

Now I'm sending only "_" character but the monitor show "?". I don't know why not function

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

When I have issue with speed, it happens to replace "_" char with "-". I am not sure if this is relevant.

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

When I have issue with speed, it happens to replace "_" char with "-". I am not sure if this is relevant.

The strange thing is that some ASCII code in decimal aren't decoded in the right code. For example: "(" is 40 in decimal but my device translate its in ")", or ")" is 41 but device translate it in "="

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

Even more wierd is that this happens (for me) only in RDP sessions, especially if it goes into lock screen. Also in this case copy/paste also does not work, and the Bluetooth keyboard does work if I slow it down to looks like it is being manually typed. This points to be a special case, not strictly an issue with the library. I can actually cause it by typing too fast on the regular USB keyboard. At first I thought it to be caused by inaccurately typed password, but later on I actually proved it is the speed of typing issue.

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

Even more wierd is that this happens (for me) only in RDP sessions, especially if it goes into lock screen. Also in this case copy/paste also does not work, and the Bluetooth keyboard does work if I slow it down to looks like it is being manually typed. This points to be a special case, not strictly an issue with the library.

So how can i solve this problem?

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

Maybe try to copy the above mentioned SendSequence , and see if it will work for you. I am using it daily and have no issues with it on several different machines.

If not, it may have some compatibility issue with the device the ESP32 BT is attached to .

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

Maybe try to copy the above mentioned SendSequence , and see if it will work for you. I am using it daily and have no issues with it on several different machines.

If not, it may have some compatibility issue with the device the ESP32 BT is attached to .

I used your function. In serial console the special characters are printed but the bluetooth print or write functions don't print some special characters but print "?".

In the library of BLE why is there a SHIFT near ascii map?

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

Why these characters match to this ascii code: 33 ! 34 ° 35 £ 36 $ 37 % 38 / 39 à 40 ) 41 = 42 ( 43 ^ 44 , 45 ' 46 . 47 - 58 ç 59 ò 60 ; 61 ì 62 : 63 _ 64 " 91 è 92 ù 93 + 94 & 95 ? 96 \ 123 é 124 § 125 * 126 | 190 , 236 <

ekoslav commented 1 year ago

What is the device your ESP32 is connected to? Have you tried it on any other device?

Alberto-00 commented 1 year ago

What is the device your ESP32 is connected to? Have you tried it on any other device?

The problem is that the library functions correctly only on English keyboard and not on It keyboard (mi keyboard Is It).

samagas commented 1 year ago

As far as I know, the original arduino keyboard library uses "coordinates" to send the key strokes, so when you send a character what the code actually does is to translate the character ASCII code to the actual key you would need to press to generate it in the US layout. It is really likely that you may see some characters/symbols on your keyboard but they are different on the US keyboard.

The arduino version lets you pick the language of the keyboard so you can have the appropiate mapping, I've not seen this mentioned anywhere on this code but I'm pretty sure you can mimic it.

Open the "BleKeyboard.cpp" file and around line 220 you'll see: const uint8_t _asciimap[128] = { 0x00, // NUL

That array contains the ASCCII/Key coordinate mapping. If you change the order or the coordinate you will alter the way the code "translates" caracters into keystrokes. You can even find the corresponding mapping for "It" layout and change the values there.