T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Cannot establish a connection with Win11 and Android 12 #203

Open lorenzoantei opened 1 year ago

lorenzoantei commented 1 year ago

I write SendKeyStroke example and I can find bluetooth device. However, I cannot connect. If I try, I will obtain a "try again message".

lorenzoantei commented 1 year ago

update After trying several times to reboot ESP32 or turn ON/OFF bluetooth, I was able to connect on android. I keep failing to do this on windows 11.

SirSlotocato commented 1 year ago

im facing the same issue with esp32-ble-gamepad

zacherywalter commented 1 year ago

Hey, I think I had the same problem in Windows 11, kept getting the message: "Try connecting your device again".

Kinda feels like a dump solution, but I just kept clicking on the device to connect and after like 5 times it connected.

Cengls commented 1 year ago

me too in esp32c3: ESP32-ble-gamepad & KeyBoard But Mouse still working!:^

Aleks-Levet commented 10 months ago
