T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Sending 'back key' doesn't seem to work #235

Open joostbijl opened 1 year ago

joostbijl commented 1 year ago


i want to send the 'back key' as found on Android devices via BT HID. According to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent#KEYCODE_BACK the keycode is 0x04.

So i defined a constant like this in my code: const uint8_t KEY_BACK = 0x04;.

However, if i write() this via BT it simply doesn't arrive according to KeyEventDisplay (and the apps don't go 'back').

I'm probably missing something here ;) - How can i send the 'back' key?


lubaldi commented 7 months ago

do you find a solution?

Guillemete commented 3 months ago

You have to replace one of those command with your "back" command in the BleKeyboard.cpp file and the .h file : (in this exemple, if you want to replace the STOP command with BACK)

so, in the BleKeyboard.cpp, look for this

USAGE(1), 0xB7, // USAGE (Stop) ; bit 2: 4 USAGE(1), 0xCD, // USAGE (Play/Pause) ; bit 3: 8

AND in the BleKeyboard.h

const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_STOP = {4, 0}; const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE = {8, 0};

and replace with :

USAGE(1), 0x04, // USAGE (back) ; bit 2: 4

const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_BACK = {4, 0};

it should work, assumin that you have the right ble code