T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Please help,How to add Camera Control to hidReportDescriptor #272

Open YuiLeung opened 6 months ago

YuiLeung commented 6 months ago

I am developing a mobile phone camera remote control. I know that the volume button can take pictures, but if my camera uses the camera button, it can trigger continuous shooting.

I checked the information and found that the Camera Control Page (0x90) in the hut1_4.pdf document contains the focus and camera buttons. I downloaded the hutrr49_camera_controls.pdf document and found the ReportDescriptor data. However, no matter how I add it to BleKeyboard.cpp, it fails. It doesn't work, can anyone help me?

Sample Report Descriptor:

COLLECTION (Application) A1 01 USAGE_PAGE (Camera Control) 05 90 USAGE_MINIMUM (Camera Auto-Focus) 19 20 USAGE_MAXIMUM (Camera Shutter) 29 21 LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 15 00 LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) 25 01 REPORT_SIZE (1) 75 01 REPORT_COUNT (2) 95 02 INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 81 02 REPORT_SIZE (6) 75 06 REPORT_COUNT (1) 95 01 INPUT (Cnst,Ary,Abs) 81 01 END_COLLECTION C0