T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Mouse Movement not working under Windows 10 #282

Open mpeill opened 5 months ago

mpeill commented 5 months ago

Using the latest release, Oct 2020. The BLEmouse pairs/connects as Bluetooth device on Windows 10, but as "Other Device" rather than "Mouse", and there is no mouse movement, even though the device remains connected. Any ideas gratefully received.

Altarax commented 4 months ago

Hi ! I had the same problem, use this lib : https://github.com/wakwak-koba/ESP32-NimBLE-Mouse

mpeill commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the advice. I admit to not being an experienced coder, but: I replaced all the files within "ESP BLE Mouse" with the ones from your above library, and on compiling I get errors warning that it can't find NimBLE files, see below. Can you offer any advice on how to resolve this (or am I asking too much):

In file included from .pio/libdeps/az-delivery-devkit-v4/ESP32 BLE Mouse/BleConnectionStatus.cpp:1: .pio/libdeps/az-delivery-devkit-v4/ESP32 BLE Mouse/BleConnectionStatus.h:6:10: fatal error: NimBLEServer.h: No such file or directory