T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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Fast forward and rewind tracks and other tips and curiosities #283

Open zinhoBR opened 4 months ago

zinhoBR commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone, great library, I worked a lot with this library a while ago and I have some tips and curiosities that might be useful to other members:

1 - If you put key media play press + next OR previous track it works like advancing or rewinding a track, example:

.......... bleKeyboard.press(KEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE); bleKeyboard.press(KEY_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK); delay(100); bleKeyboard.releaseAll();

2 - I tested the library myself on several different phones and systems and it works perfectly with Windows, IOS, Android and Linux. The majority of problems in Windows with pairing or disconnecting** are the fault of your Bluetooth dongle, which is probably of poor quality, just trust me.

3 - The most current versions do not reconnect when you disable Bluetooth or connect/disconnect the board. I always used version 0.2.3 (or 0.3.0, I don't remember now) because they reconnect automatically.

4 - From my tests, some ESP32-C3 boards don't work well with this library, I have an ESP32-C3 DevikitM-1 that I can't get to work while my ESP32-C3 super mini runs smoothly. Soon I will test it on an ESP32-pico-mini.