T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Keyboard

Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
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AZERTY issues #302

Open PierreJom opened 1 month ago

PierreJom commented 1 month ago

ESP32 WROOM 32 I wanted to use the F13 and above for a macro pad but it doesn't work (even after modification in the .cpp) so I decided to use those symbols ~#{[|`\^@]} The ASCII code doesn't work for me, my computer works with an AZERTY keyboard so the symbols are the combination with ALT GR + number above letters. When I use the ESP32 and my buttons to send the ASCII code it is nonsense and the same for println and letters, but if I put my computer into QWERTY composition it works any idea why and how I can fix it ?