T-vK / ESP32-BLE-Mouse

Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
681 stars 133 forks source link

Accelerometer gesture sense that doesn't require tensorflow or other remote AI? #53

Open frankcohen opened 1 year ago

frankcohen commented 1 year ago

ESP32-BLE-Mouse is so easy to use! Thank you x 100! I'd like to extend it to support accelerometer-based gestures. I'm working on my wrist watch project (https://github.com/frankcohen/ReflectionsOS). It has an ESP32-S3, accelerometer, compass, and GPS, no touch screen, no buttons. It's all open-source. I am searching for code to interpret accelerometer data for gestures. Like making a big circle would register as a gesture, or shaking left and right a few inches would register as a gesture. I can't depend on the Internet being available while this is in operation. I could use a Tensor flow or other approach for training while networking is available. What have you seen? Pointers please. Thanks! -Frank