T-vK / MobilePassThrough

Make GPU passthrough on notebooks easy and accessible!
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External display output no longer works on MUXed laptop #12

Open korewaChino opened 3 years ago

korewaChino commented 3 years ago

I am running Fedora 34 and ran your script by renaming the F30 scripts to 34 and it works fine, although GDM no longer detects my external display. Specs:

T-vK commented 3 years ago

I have made a lot of changes to the scripts in the last couple of weeks. (Currently only available in the amd-gpu branch.) Those changes include a lot of bugfixes and improvements. I just haven't merged those changes into the master branch yet because I haven't tested them with Nvidia notebooks yet. But it might just work if you wanna give it a try.

korewaChino commented 3 years ago

Still does not work, same error on optirun and Xserver.

EDIT: Seems like the driver refuses to load for some apparent reason.

T-vK commented 3 years ago

Can you test it with wayland and check if it that would work on your device?

korewaChino commented 3 years ago

on Wayland at the moment, does not work either. NVIDIA driver straight up refuses to load.

korewaChino commented 3 years ago

Okay, I did a clean reinstall and just installed the NVIDIA driver by itself, it worked. Now time to run the script again

update: it broke itself after that.

T-vK commented 3 years ago

Yeah, the script is pretty "dumb" at the moment. It doesn't check what's installed already and just tries to install the nvidia driver along with bumblebee. The whole project really has only been tested on a fresh installation of Fedora.

korewaChino commented 3 years ago

I seem to have nailed down the issue to PRIME and Bumblebee. Multi-monitor setups do not work with this current configuration for some reason.

P.S Also good news, while troubleshooting this whole thing, I have also created an Ubuntu version of the script for 21.04. will PR.

T-vK commented 3 years ago

Nice! That's awesome! Have you found a solution to make bumblebee work with your setup?

korewaChino commented 2 years ago

Nope. Seems to be a MUX issue actually. Turns out my system is not actually MUXed but your script says so. The AMD-GPU fork does say it's not MUXed though. Anyway, you're welcome. I wanted this script to work on Ubuntu anyways.

Turning on Bumblebee and setting prime-select intel causes the driver to stop working for some reason. hence the external display stopping to work. I guess I'll have to make do with a Dual-boot configuration at the moment. I stayed up all night to figure this out and man, it's a pain in the ass. I just wanted to run some UWP apps and now I've learned a lot about drivers and the Linux Kernel itself.

korewaChino commented 2 years ago

aanyway might be offtopic but https://github.com/T-vK/MobilePassThrough/pull/13

T-vK commented 2 years ago

Yeah, detecting if and how the device is MUXed is tricky and not always possible. The most accurate way of telling that I'm aware of so far is checking as hat kind of devices the GPUs show up in lspci.

Sorry for all the hassle btw. The project is very hard to maintain because I only have access to a very limited amount of devices at a time.

I made a bunch of changes to the project today after accepting your PR btw. Merging some new features I've been working on the last couple of days and also cleaning the project up by restructuring it a bit. These changes won't fix your problems, but nevertheless I was wondering if you'd like to test them because the project is currently in a state where I think it might make sense to have a first beta release.