T00rk / bootstrap-material-datetimepicker

Datepicker for bootstrap-material
MIT License
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Calendar does not work for Persian language !!! #185

Open fahamidev opened 6 years ago

fahamidev commented 6 years ago

Hi . I'm trying to set up the calendar for Persian language . I've also used moment-jalaali and set the lang parameter to Farsi ===> lang:'fa' But the datepicker has not changed.

I use laravel 5.5


<script src="{{ asset('js/moment-jalaali.js') }}"></script> 
<!-- Bootstrap Material Datetime Picker Plugin Js --> 
<script src="{{ asset('js/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker.js') }}"></script>`

and also $('.datepicker').bootstrapMaterialDatePicker({ format : 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm', lang : 'fa', weekStart : 1, cancelText : 'لغو', time:false });

what's the solution ?

mostify commented 6 years ago

@EhsanFahami Did you find a solution to the problem?