T0biasCZe / AdbFileManager

Fast Android <-> Windows file manager using ADB protocol
444 stars 29 forks source link

Use the aplication!? #6

Closed sixt00 closed 11 months ago

sixt00 commented 11 months ago

Hello, would someone be so kind as to explain the step by step for the installation of the file? Specifically 1. what is the compressed folder. 2 downloaded in android is the folder unzipped? and 3,4,5! Not all of us are programmers but we do work with file transfer from cell phone to PC...

T0biasCZe commented 11 months ago

Download the zip on your PC, unzip the compressed folder somewhere, and then run the adbfilemanager.exe Then connect your phone over USB to your PC

sixt00 commented 11 months ago

where is the executable please! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-K4wX7Ug8KQ0k64vt9tY7o0QjrIhHsIF/view?usp=sharing

nezuky commented 11 months ago

The executable is only included on the release page as afm.zip.

You may also build the .exe from source by opening the project in Visual Studio, but you will still need to obtain multiple other files & dlls such as adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll, etc. for the program to work.

Therefore I recommend grabbing the release which has all the necessary files included. Then just run AdbFileManager.exe after unzipping the afm folder.

T0biasCZe commented 11 months ago

go to https://github.com/T0biasCZe/AdbFileManager/releases download the "AFM.zip" (not the source code (zip)) extract the "AFM.zip" run the adbfilemanager.exe

daxsun commented 4 months ago

When i try to run the program it just flashes and crashes