T0mWz / biodom-iq2

Biodom IQ2 Controller statistics
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No MQQT Connection Biodom #2

Open Vaoske opened 8 months ago

Vaoske commented 8 months ago


Thnks for sharing this! My Biodom-IQ2 doesn't connect with Biodom MQQT broker and Private MQQT broker. Is there any other setting within the software?

My default settings `

{serial} 0 mqtt.biodom27.si 8884 ***** ***** .\Resources\Mosquitto\cert3\ca.pem Tls12


Greets from The Netherlands Vaoske

T0mWz commented 7 months ago

Hi Vaoske,

You have to set type to 1 , to enable the MQTT integration. In your example, you have still the global biodom mqtt provider, I should not suggest that. In my example I have added a mosquitto mqtt broker, I should suggest that one or an another private mqtt broker.

Can you try to remove the {serial} string between the Id options, so; <Id Postfix="">biodom</Id>

Greetings back from the Netherlands, Tom

Vaoske commented 7 months ago

Hi Tom,

It works when I change the {serial} string to any text. I also have a Solarheating and Heatingboiler (Biodom Pelletketel). I will add some code for reading those both.
