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Question about 0.3.2 ARP attack #2

Open tarihub opened 5 years ago

tarihub commented 5 years ago

Hello, may I ask a question? In " arp -a -n | awk '{++S[$4]} END {for(a in S) {if($2>1) print $2,a,S[a]}}' " Why is it to judge $2 > 1 to judge the existence of arp attack?

According to the characteristics of the arp attack, the judgment condition should not be the same mac address corresponding to different IPs?

Could you tell me that the meaning of $2 (IP) and 1 comparison?

Thank you!

T0xst commented 5 years ago

The same IP corresponds to a different MAC

tarihub commented 5 years ago

oh... I got it. You are right. Thanks!