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Work and Education History is a complete mess - no paragraphs, lists. #1

Open lisandi opened 3 years ago

lisandi commented 3 years ago

When writing work and educational history it is a complete mess in the frontend as you can't write the educational steps - nor those of your work places. Usually people worked at several places during their educational or work progress. i.e.

Studied Geography, Music, Natur and Technology, Montessori 0-12, Family- , Victim&Offender-, School-Mediation, Woodcrafts Technology, Swim Trainer, Aerospace Technology, Informatics at University Ludwigsburg and University Reutlingen (Germany), Centre de Formation de Professeur Montlignon. Paris (France), University Hagen and University Stuttgart (Germany) Class of Secondary School Teacher (Second State-Exam/Masters), Montessori Diploma (AMI approved), Mediator FEU, Musical Instrument Making (Dulcimer), Swim Trainer License B, Informatics (partly), Aerospace Engineering (partly), Physiology f. Aero Space Engineers A+

That is how it looks like!! even each section is in another color what does not help much - honestly.

Solution: For each education or work record make an Ajax form where people can enter their workplaces or educational places with date and location and "class (should be renamed to "subject" as class is for schools but not for universities or other educational places! After the user has entered on record and saved that another empty Ajax form opens up to enter the second record and so on. All those records need to be Able to be sorted manually (so that the most important educational record appears on top) - All records could than easily and crearly be listed in the side column or even on a separate page with some more information and perhaps even linked documents. This would be very helpful actually for all those who apply for jobs as Engine offers a Jobboard ;-)

Education History - Backend Education History - Frontend Work History - Backend

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Zamblek Team feedback concerning this issue - their answer before they closed the ticket on their support forum without providing a solution or feedback themselves! Ticket ID 69549 - Features, Bugs, Requests, GDPR in Version 3.0 (9 Februar 2021) - Their answer was:

1- Thanks for feedback