T3Social / NgineS

The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Help: What License for Plugins and Themes in NgineS compared to those in Sngine #102

Open lisandi opened 3 years ago

lisandi commented 3 years ago

In Sngine lots of additional code written by other people and licensed under a variety of Open Source Licenses get used. Especially until Version 3.0 which included php-gettext licensed under GNU GPL in all distributions from Envato Marketplace until March 2021.

A list of all known licenses used by statically linked libraries inside Sngine can be found here

On the GNU.org website a Graphic shows compatibility issues of other licenses with GNU GPLv.2 and GNU GPL v.3


Graphic taken from GNU.org

and a more comprehensive list can be found here.

Here is a short overview of GPL licenses used in the combined work of Sngine. For what I see the only suitable license for the whole work would be GPLv.3 or AGPLv.3 and for our t3.social we are using AGPLv.3.

Because it is using the GPL licenses also the whole combined work has to be licensed under GNU GPL. THis again means that the code can be modified, distributed, copied according to the license conditions of GNU GPL. (as I am not a lawyer you might get a clear answer from a lawyer or the FSF directly). https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#AllCompatibility

Summary/Discussion about licenses https://github.com/T3Social/NgineS/discussions/95

And a link to a post about redistribution under a GPL compatible license like AGPL which makes clear that if a work is using libraries statically or dynamically linked in one combined work it has to be licensed under a GNU GPL compatible license if one or more of the linked libraries is licensed with a GNU GPL license, in our case that would be LGPLv.2.1, LGPLv.3 and GPLv.2 and later. https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/2684/monetizing-and-licensing-with-agpl-libraries

GNU GPL compatible licenses are listed here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses Compatibility of Licenses - What License to choose

What would be the best license in your opinion to choose for Plugins and Themes so they can be integrated and sold as a Package together with Sngine?

