T3Social / NgineS

The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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NgineS Request: Changing of background colors and Button colors from Admin Panel for all Headers/per specific Header #82

Open lisandi opened 3 years ago

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Problem in Sngine we should avoid/fix in NgineS!

Changing Background Colors It would be nice to have if changing background colors and button colors, fonts etc would be easier in whole Sngine code.

Oleakan Agbola asked on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/786267988168281

Please where can i change the blue background?

Additional Comment

It would be great to have the ability to change the colors of headers and buttons and search fields and fonts for ALL headers and on a per header specific base.

i.e. Having the Blogs header in green the Marketplace header in yellow and again another in red etc.

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Brandon Drake answered on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/786267988168281


background:linear-gradient(to right,#667db6,#0082c8,#0082c8,#667db6);
padding:70px 15px;
lisandi commented 3 years ago

Here their answer on https://www.zamblek.com/support/tickets/features-bugs-requests-gdpr-v3-0-points-71-100/ - 27. February 2021 :

As we told you before all of your points from this ticket and previous tickets too are suggestions and not issues to help you to fix them because they are not even available features on Sngine to help you with them.

For example: 82 (they wrote 77)- Simply we will not offer to change every line of the CSS from admin panel -

However like all other scripts we will give the user the basic staff. And can change the theme colors as you want from the CSS. https://blog.sngine.com/create-new-theme-for-sngine/

Zamblek Team