T3Social / NgineS

The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Issues: How to show "Package Name" when hovering over "Pro User" #87

Open lisandi opened 3 years ago

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Problem in Sngine we should avoid/fix in NgineS!

Serkan Tümbaş asked on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/786267988168281

Hello, when we hover over the “Pro User” tag on the main stream, why doesn’t it say “Package Name”? When we hover over the tag in profile, it says “Package Name”. I want to see this in the flow as well. Is it easy to do this? It will be even better if the “Package Logo” appears. Thanks Hovering over Pro User

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Simon Lewis replied on FB with a solution:

easy fix edit your _feeds_post_body.tpl and search for {if $_post['user_subscribed']} then just change the title='{__("Pro User")}'to what ever you like or use title='{__($package["name"])}'

you will need to alter the post php also

this will show package name title='{__($package["name"])}' but you will need to attach the package to posts by adding the following code just below widgets

// get packages
$packages = $user->get_packages();
/* assign variables */
$smarty->assign('packages', $packages);
$smarty->assign('packages_count', count($packages));

inside the post.php, on a side note you will also need to do this same step inside all other files you wish to show package name

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Serkan Tümbaş answered on FB:

<i data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="" class="fa fa-bolt fa-fw pro-badge" data-original-title="Project-Id-Version: Package Name
PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-03 00:20+0300
Language: tr_TR
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2
" aria-describedby="tooltip612349"></i>

Hovering Pro User Package name

Simon Lewis I want to ask one more thing. Where is the part of these countries? I want to add, remove, change the name of the country.

lisandi commented 3 years ago

Simon Lewis Solution on FB:

just add to any php you want it to be:

// get countries
$countries = $user->get_countries();
/* assign variables */
$smarty->assign('countries', $countries);
and then in tpl files you can add drop down
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label class="form-control-label">{__("Country")}</label>
<select name="country" class="form-control">
<option value="none">{__("Select Country")}</option>
{foreach $countries as $country}
<option {if $user->_data['user_country'] == $country['country_id']}selected{/if} value="{$country['country_id']}">{$country['country_name']}</option>

https:/YOURDOMAIN/admincp/languages/ this will change your countys