TA-Lib / ta-lib-python

Python wrapper for TA-Lib (http://ta-lib.org/).
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bollinger bands are the same for upper, middle and lower #151

Open KiudLyrl opened 7 years ago

KiudLyrl commented 7 years ago


I tried to get the bollinger bands, my data are valid since the EMA and RSI are good :

    ta_lib_data = data_table.get_talib_compatible_structure()
    complete_ema20 = talib.abstract.EMA(ta_lib_data, timeperiod=20, price='average')
    complete_ema40 = talib.abstract.EMA(ta_lib_data, timeperiod=40, price='average')
    complete_rsi = talib.abstract.RSI(ta_lib_data, timeperiod=14)
    upperBB, middleBB, lowerBB = talib.BBANDS(ta_lib_data['close'], nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, timeperiod=5) #matype=talib.MA_Type.T3

However the upperBB == middleBB == lowerBB here, why is that? I also tried without nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2.


mrjbq7 commented 7 years ago

Without seeing your test case data, I'm not sure. You can look at the BBANDS source code which might help:

mrjbq7 commented 7 years ago


KiudLyrl commented 7 years ago


Json data + python script that load the json and then compute, ema, rsi and bollinger bands. upper == middle == lower, weird.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mn70t24t9u3puct/forBB.json?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnkkbqvacw4yz8o/bollinger.py?dl=0

mthatcherclark commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue. I'm dealing with small numbers < .0002 stored in a numpy array, float64. Working in Python 2.7. array([ 0.00018185, 0.00017552, 0.00017599, ..., 0.00017896, 0.00017378, 0.00017192])

mthatcherclark commented 7 years ago

By total coincidence, I just ran into the same exact problem with something I was coding completely separately from talib. While I don't have the skills to code a solution for you, I believe the answer to fixing this bug may be in this thread...https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35906411/list-on-python-appending-always-the-same-value. In other words, it must be an issue with the memory address for each element in the bbands array.

hippylover commented 6 years ago

Hello, iv'e discovered this:

#arr = np.array([0.00282, 0.00242, 0.00202, 0.0028, 0.0019, 0.0021, 0.0030, 0.0040], dtype=float) #this works
#arr = np.array([0.00282011, 0.00242011, 0.00202011, 0.00282011, 0.00192011, 0.00212011, 0.00302011, 0.00402011], dtype=float) this works
arr = np.array([0.000282, 0.000242, 0.000202, 0.00028, 0.00019, 0.00021, 0.00030, 0.00040], dtype=float) #this doesnt. it returns the same numbers for all bands
upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(arr, timeperiod=2, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)

So if it's more than three zeroes it doesn't work. Do anyone know what's up then? How do i fix this.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Probably has something to do with float precision and representing small numbers. If you take your numbers and scale them up by 1000 then it works:

arr = np.array([0.282, 0.242, 0.202, 0.28, 0.19, 0.21, 0.30, 0.40], dtype=float)
hippylover commented 6 years ago

I have to scale them up by 100 000 because some of the numbers are 0.00000001. Anyway, won't this mess up the bollinger calculation? (also am i doing this right, and isnt this a bug?)

My attempt:

closehack = np.array([])
for x in close:
    closehack = np.append(close, x * 100000)

upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(closehack, timeperiod=2, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)

for x in upper:
    upperhack = np.append(upper, x / 100000)


But that doesn't give correct plot. Please help because i feel i am so close now.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure why you use append instead of just passing close * 100000 and then doing upper / 100000.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Also your code would have he upper array contain two sets of vaues since you don't initialize and "upperhack" the way you do with "closehack".

hippylover commented 6 years ago

Yeah that's what i did(the close * 100000 thing) :D sorry, i was a bit tired but i was just about to post that that is what i ended up doing.

I am still wondering if i have to do this kind of acrobatics with other indicators too and if this is considered a bug and will be fixed.

hippylover commented 6 years ago

Ok. So doing the close * 100000 i now end up with numbers like 0.00045050653989108142578184912352412538893986493349 when i do close / 100000 again. Am i supposed to round this up or down or what should i do to get correct numbers?

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

You might lose a small amount of precision but I wouldn't think it would be a huge deal. That number has a lot of "apparent" precision but not in actuality I would guess.

hippylover commented 6 years ago

Ok. Do you know if this is a limitation of the underlaying ta-lib or is it an issue with the python interface?

ordimans commented 6 years ago

Same problem here, i didn't understand why my strategy doesn't work, after some log i saw values was same...

So i use this before

upperband, middleband, lowerband = ta.BBANDS(close*100000, timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2,matype=0)

upVal =upperband[i]/100000

middleVal = middleband[i]/100000

lowVal =  lowerband[i]/100000
mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

What assets are you working with that have such low value prices? Are these altcoins? Although it should be doing work on double-precision floating point numbers, it might have some mathematical errors as you are discovering with very small numbers. I haven't spent much time looking at the underlying C code, but you could look it over if you want:


As far as I'm aware, this lightweight Python wrapper for that underlying TA-Lib C library should not be doing any kind of conversion, and should just be passing through the numpy array of floats into the TA_BBANDS function call.

pcawthron commented 6 years ago

There's no problem with the library or the wrapper.

from matplotlib.finance import candlestick2_ohlc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as datetime
import numpy as np
import talib

quotes = np.array([ (1459388100, 29.799999237060547, 29.799999237060547, 29.799999237060547, 29.799999237060547, 148929.0, 450030016.0),
   (1459388400, 29.799999237060547, 29.979999542236328, 29.709999084472656, 29.920000076293945, 10395.0, 31069984.0),
   (1459388700, 29.959999084472656, 30.18000030517578, 29.719999313354492, 30.149999618530273, 38522.0, 114999968.0),
   (1459389000, 30.170000076293945, 30.479999542236328, 30.0, 30.149999618530273, 29823.0, 90220032.0),
   (1459389300, 30.149999618530273, 30.75, 30.1299991607666, 30.549999237060547, 38903.0, 118620032.0),
   (1459389600, 30.59000015258789, 30.93000030517578, 30.559999465942383, 30.65999984741211, 42308.0, 130000000.0),
   (1459389900, 30.6200008392334, 30.690000534057617, 30.3799991607666, 30.3799991607666, 20209.0, 61689984.0),
   (1459390200, 30.3700008392334, 30.489999771118164, 30.18000030517578, 30.18000030517578, 18491.0, 56169984.0),
   (1459390500, 30.190000534057617, 30.329999923706055, 30.010000228881836, 30.010000228881836, 17641.0, 53200000.0),
   (1459390800, 30.030000686645508, 30.399999618530273, 30.030000686645508, 30.280000686645508, 9526.0, 28899968.0),
   (1459391100, 30.299999237060547, 30.31999969482422, 30.200000762939453, 30.209999084472656, 9282.0, 28100096.0),
   (1459391400, 30.190000534057617, 30.280000686645508, 30.049999237060547, 30.1200008392334, 8663.0, 26099968.0),
   (1459391700, 30.110000610351562, 30.110000610351562, 29.959999084472656, 30.100000381469727, 15677.0, 47099904.0),
   (1459392000, 30.1200008392334, 30.260000228881836, 30.0, 30.059999465942383, 5649.0, 17000064.0),
   (1459392300, 30.079999923706055, 30.299999237060547, 30.0, 30.280000686645508, 6057.0, 18199936.0),
   (1459392600, 30.290000915527344, 30.34000015258789, 30.1200008392334, 30.1200008392334, 7914.0, 24000000.0),
   (1459392900, 30.1299991607666, 30.15999984741211, 30.079999923706055, 30.139999389648438, 4521.0, 13600000.0),
   (1459393200, 30.139999389648438, 30.139999389648438, 29.829999923706055, 29.899999618530273, 16255.0, 48600064.0),
   (1459393500, 29.93000030517578, 30.1200008392334, 29.889999389648438, 30.1200008392334, 6877.0, 20600064.0),
   (1459393800, 30.1299991607666, 30.15999984741211, 29.979999542236328, 30.030000686645508, 3803.0, 11499904.0),
   (1459394100, 30.040000915527344, 30.1299991607666, 30.0, 30.030000686645508, 4421.0, 13300096.0),
   (1459394400, 29.989999771118164, 30.389999389648438, 29.989999771118164, 30.389999389648438, 7011.0, 21099904.0),
   (1459394700, 30.399999618530273, 30.450000762939453, 30.270000457763672, 30.299999237060547, 12095.0, 36800000.0),
   (1459395000, 30.34000015258789, 30.450000762939453, 30.280000686645508, 30.43000030517578, 9284.0, 28099968.0),
   (1459400700, 30.510000228881836, 30.729999542236328, 30.5, 30.600000381469727, 17139.0, 52500096.0),
   (1459401000, 30.600000381469727, 30.799999237060547, 30.530000686645508, 30.790000915527344, 11888.0, 36400000.0),
   (1459401300, 30.809999465942383, 31.100000381469727, 30.809999465942383, 31.049999237060547, 30692.0, 95099904.0),
   (1459401600, 31.06999969482422, 31.559999465942383, 30.93000030517578, 31.559999465942383, 24473.0, 76200064.0),
   (1459401900, 31.600000381469727, 31.860000610351562, 31.299999237060547, 31.450000762939453, 34497.0, 109200000.0),
   (1459402200, 31.43000030517578, 31.600000381469727, 31.18000030517578, 31.18000030517578, 18525.0, 58200064.0),
   (1459402500, 31.18000030517578, 31.350000381469727, 31.040000915527344, 31.18000030517578, 10153.0, 31599872.0),
   (1459402800, 31.200000762939453, 31.399999618530273, 31.010000228881836, 31.389999389648438, 9668.0, 30100096.0),
   (1459403100, 31.399999618530273, 31.399999618530273, 31.110000610351562, 31.360000610351562, 8445.0, 26499968.0),
   (1459403400, 31.360000610351562, 31.399999618530273, 31.040000915527344, 31.100000381469727, 9538.0, 29799936.0),
   (1459403700, 31.1200008392334, 31.399999618530273, 31.100000381469727, 31.270000457763672, 7996.0, 25000064.0),
   (1459404000, 31.270000457763672, 31.399999618530273, 31.15999984741211, 31.399999618530273, 6760.0, 21100032.0),
   (1459404300, 31.389999389648438, 32.400001525878906, 31.389999389648438, 32.189998626708984, 26108.0, 83700096.0),
   (1459404600, 32.209999084472656, 32.400001525878906, 31.860000610351562, 32.29999923706055, 15736.0, 50599936.0),
   (1459404900, 32.29999923706055, 32.310001373291016, 31.489999771118164, 31.489999771118164, 12945.0, 41399808.0),
   (1459405200, 31.5, 32.0, 31.40999984741211, 31.81999969482422, 11901.0, 37700096.0),
   (1459405500, 31.809999465942383, 31.940000534057617, 31.719999313354492, 31.770000457763672, 6503.0, 20700160.0),
   (1459405800, 31.760000228881836, 31.790000915527344, 31.399999618530273, 31.790000915527344, 10103.0, 31899904.0),
   (1459406100, 31.780000686645508, 32.029998779296875, 31.780000686645508, 31.850000381469727, 12033.0, 38500096.0),
   (1459406400, 31.809999465942383, 33.310001373291016, 31.809999465942383, 33.029998779296875, 58238.0, 192199936.0),
   (1459406700, 33.029998779296875, 33.310001373291016, 32.79999923706055, 32.79999923706055, 36689.0, 121900032.0),
   (1459407000, 32.79999923706055, 32.869998931884766, 32.61000061035156, 32.70000076293945, 15245.0, 49799936.0),
   (1459407300, 32.68000030517578, 32.689998626708984, 31.799999237060547, 32.0099983215332, 20507.0, 65999872.0),
   (1459407600, 32.02000045776367, 32.02000045776367, 31.760000228881836, 31.799999237060547, 29610.0, 94300160.0)],
   dtype=[('time', '<i4'), ('open', 'd'), ('high', 'd'), ('low', 'd'), ('close', 'd'), ('volume', 'd'), ('amount', 'd')])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

xdate = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(i) for i in quotes['time']]

def mydate(x,pos):
        return xdate[int(x)]
    except IndexError:
        return ''



o, h, l, c = quotes['open'], quotes['high'], quotes['low'], quotes['close']

upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(c)

upper[47], middle[47],lower[47]
IN[284}:  upper[47], middle[47],lower[47]
Out[284]: (33.421259371477881, 32.467999267578122, 31.51473916367836)
hippylover commented 6 years ago

pcawthron: try that with numbers like 0.0002.

It might have something to do with this in the original lib: USE_SINGLE_PRECISION_INPUT but i don't speak c so that's just a guess.

ordimans commented 6 years ago

@mrjbq7 : It's Altcoin yes. I use numpy : close = np.append(close,r['C'])

with this for example

C | 0.00020201

I must change the precision of array ?

On MACD function, no problem.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Are you using 64-bit? I think the dtype of your array is probably float which should be double precision on 64-bit.

JTInfinite commented 6 years ago

Just to add, I am having this issue while looping through regular forex values. I loop through the close price on a number of markets (for example EUR-USD, EUR-GBP, GBP-HKD etc etc) calculating the bollinger values. It seems completely random as to when I get the same numbers for upper, middle and lower but what seems certain is that the longer my program is running, the more likely I am to get this error.

I have tried to clear out/delete the dictionary I am holding the values in on each loop - no guarantee of success. I have also tried multiplying/dividing the values as suggested above but again, no luck.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Same last value for upper, middle, and lower? Or same all values?

JTInfinite commented 6 years ago

Yeah same value for upper middle and lower. I have since noticed the granularity of the candle information I was requesting was defaulting to 5 seconds (rather than say 30 minutes or 5 minutes). That might have been having an impact but I would expect even on 5 seconds, the upper, middle and lower are different.

With the correct granularity, I am currently getting the correct values.

boochos commented 6 years ago

Same problem here. Multiplying the input values 'fixes' the issue... Also ran into the same thing with the RSI indicator. When values are too low (0.00000140-ish), RSi spits out a 0.0

ordimans commented 6 years ago

@mrjbq7 : Yes i am in 64 Bits. sorry for late answer

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Small values are a result of this feature in the underlying TA-Lib C library:


cbdite commented 6 years ago

Facing the same issue. The following produces three identical arrays for upper, middle and lower on 64 bit Python 2.7.14:

import numpy from talib import func

data = numpy.arange(0.08, 0.081, 0.00001, dtype=float)

bbands = func.BBANDS(data, timeperiod=10, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

I appreciate the report, but its not an issue I am able to workaround easily in this python wrapper. The underlying C library has a feature around "almost zero" values.


cbdite commented 6 years ago

@mrjbq7 Appreciate your efforts and that your hands are tied in this regard. Without having looked into the underlying C library, it seems strange that it would fail for "almost zero" values of this order of magnitude. I would expect that data sets several orders of magnitude smaller are a common occurrence in the context of bbands.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Well, the code is the best place to look, which is not exactly easy to read, but...


BBANDS uses STDDEV, which you can see is zero for some "weird" reason:

>>> talib.STDDEV(data)
array([nan, nan, nan, nan,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

And if you look at the code for STDDEV:


You can see that it calls to VAR, which are really small numbers:

>>> talib.VAR(data)
array([           nan,            nan,            nan,            nan,
       2.00000002e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000004e-10,
       2.00000003e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000002e-10, 2.00000002e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000002e-10, 2.00000005e-10, 2.00000002e-10, 2.00000002e-10,
       2.00000003e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000003e-10, 2.00000005e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000001e-10,
       2.00000002e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10, 2.00000003e-10,
       2.00000002e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 2.00000001e-10,
       2.00000000e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 2.00000000e-10, 2.00000001e-10,
       2.00000001e-10, 2.00000004e-10, 2.00000002e-10, 2.00000001e-10,
       2.00000001e-10, 2.00000000e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 2.00000000e-10,
       1.99999999e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999997e-10,
       1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10,
       1.99999998e-10, 2.00000001e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999999e-10,
       1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999997e-10,
       1.99999997e-10, 1.99999999e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10,
       1.99999998e-10, 1.99999998e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999997e-10,
       1.99999997e-10, 1.99999999e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999997e-10,
       1.99999996e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999996e-10, 1.99999994e-10,
       1.99999994e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999995e-10, 1.99999994e-10,
       1.99999994e-10, 1.99999994e-10, 1.99999993e-10, 1.99999994e-10,
       1.99999995e-10, 1.99999997e-10, 1.99999995e-10, 1.99999995e-10,

And if you look further at the code in ta_STDDEV.c, you can see this:

      for( i=0; i < (int)VALUE_HANDLE_DEREF(outNBElement); i++ )
         tempReal = outReal[i];
         if( !TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG(tempReal) )
            outReal[i] = std_sqrt(tempReal);
            outReal[i] = (double)0.0;

So, if you look at the definition of TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG, you can see where the "small numbers" issue comes up:

259:#define TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG(v) (v<0.00000001)

So, basically your numbers are all really close together in a way that the underlying C library thinks is too small precision (for some reason that I don't know since I've never talked to the author, maybe they had to work with small precision floats or something).

Your workaround is probably to either change TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG and recompile the underlying library, or fudge your data up and then down:

import numpy
import talib

data = numpy.arange(0.08, 0.081, 0.00001, dtype=float)

bbands = talib.BBANDS(data * 1000, timeperiod=10, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
bbands = [b / 1000 for b in bbands]

I'm not sure if there's anything else I can or should be doing here... sorry!

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

P.S., I recommend using import talib instead of from talib import func.

I often see:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import talib as ta

Also, I suppose (maybe optionally since it would impact performance), we could detect talib being called with data in this kind of situation and goose the numbers up and then back down automatically). But I'd be worried about both performance, and introducing some unknown error that is not visible to the caller. So maybe we could detect and warn that "maybe your results aren't great" due to this problem? Dunno... ideas welcome.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Or maybe implement BBANDS in pure python. Something like this:

import pandas as pd

def BBANDS(real, timeperiod=5, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2):
    ma = pd.rolling_mean(real, timeperiod, min_periods=timeperiod)
    std = pd.rolling_std(real, timeperiod, min_periods=timeperiod)
    lo = ma - nbdevdn * std
    hi = ma + nbdevup * std
    return hi, ma, lo
dsilletti commented 6 years ago

Confirmed, all issues solved (tested with both RSI, BBANDS) editing these 2 lines in ta_utility.h and recompiling.

define TA_IS_ZERO(v) (((-0.00000001)<v)&&(v<0.00000001))

define TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG(v) (v<0.00000001)

changed to:

define TA_IS_ZERO(v) (((-0.000000000000000001)<v)&&(v<0.000000000000000001))

define TA_IS_ZERO_OR_NEG(v) (v<0.000000000000000001)

shrew4u2do commented 6 years ago

@dsilletti I modified those lines and recompiled on Windows and got new .lib files. However I'm still getting the same values for the bands. Did you have to reinstall the Python wrapper as well?

dsilletti commented 6 years ago

@shrew4u2do you need just to stop the python script and run it again to load the new libs, if still doesn't work please check that the libs are in the right path.

shrew4u2do commented 6 years ago

I realized that it wasn't changing because I had installed ta-lib through a .whl file. When I went to install it through pip I get the heap space error referenced here: https://github.com/mrjbq7/ta-lib/issues/188 :/

greg500 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Same problem here. I cannot install ta-lib throught pip because I run python in a 64 bit environment. The only way that works fine for me is to install the 64bit whl available here: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ How can I possibly edit the ta_utility.h file then? I have tried to build on my own a 64bit package using vs studio with the method describe there: []https://github.com/afnhsn/TA-Lib_x64 with no success...

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

@greg500 did you try building your own 64-bit underlying ta-lib using the instructions in this projects' readme?

This is a 32-bit release. If you want to use 64-bit Python, you will need to build a 64-bit version of the library.

Some unofficial (and unsupported) instructions for building on 64-bit Windows 10, here for reference:

  1. Download and Unzip ta-lib-0.4.0-msvc.zip

  2. Move the Unzipped Folder ta-lib to C:\

  3. Download and Install Visual Studio Community 2015

  • Remember to Select [Visual C++] Feature
  1. Build TA-Lib Library
  • From Windows Start Menu, Start [VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt]

  • Move to C:\ta-lib\c\make\cdr\win32\msvc

  • Build the Library nmake

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see that it didn't work for you. Dunno.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

It's hard to know what "no success" means. Did it fail to build? Did it build without errors but not install properly? Did you not know how/where to put it so that Python would link properly? Were you trying to get the wheel package to work with it, maybe it was linked against the old one? Etc.

greg500 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

Sorry for the lack of precisions...

I am running windows 10 and python 3 (Anaconda distribution).

I have unzipped the mscv file to c:\ directory. I have run nname method, so far, so good. My problem does occur when I try to pip install ta-lib or when I try to install it manually(python setup.py install). I get this error message:

c:\users\grego\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-0g0t45gj\ta-lib\talib_ta_lib.c(243658) : fatal error C1002: compiler is out of heap space in pass 2 LINK : fatal error LNK1257: code generation failed error: command 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\x86_amd64\link.exe' failed with exit status 1257

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Excellent! So, that heap space issue is because my generated _ta_lib.c file that wrapped all the underlying TA-Lib indicators was rather large. I've spent some time in the last couple weeks reducing the size of that C file to less than 20-25% of its previous size. Could you try again using the latest git master? Please let me know if it helps!!

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago


greg500 commented 6 years ago

version 0.4.18 works just fine. Thanks a lot!

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Awesome! I was hoping it would lower the memory requirements to compile but had not had anyone verify who had run into that bug.

mrjbq7 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the trouble before! If you run into other improvements we can make, please let me know.

greg500 commented 6 years ago

Please don't be. I am so glad my issue was resolved so promptly. Thank you again.

cgohlke commented 6 years ago

I updated the wheels at https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#ta-lib with the patch at https://github.com/mrjbq7/ta-lib/issues/151#issuecomment-370904433

shrew4u2do commented 6 years ago

@cgohlke Thank you!

noenthu commented 6 years ago

While this isn't an issue with the pyton wrapper/this repo. Anyone in the know care to address if this issue is being "fixed" in the core ta-lib? I understand that the patch has been incorporated in the wheel maintained by @cgohlke