TA2k / ioBroker.ford

ioBroker Adapter for FordPass
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link

nach Update auf Version 0.2.2 kein Connect mehr zu FordPass, Version 0.2.1 hat funktioniert, ist aber nicht mehr verfügbar #35

Open evazoe1410 opened 2 months ago

evazoe1410 commented 2 months ago

nach Update auf Version 0.2.1 haben sowohl der Connect als auch die GPS-Daten wieder funktioniert, mit Version 0.2.2 kein Connect mehr.

Folgende Meldung im Log: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADB2C90083: The request is missing required parameter: code.\r\nCorrelation ID: b5443eb7-2f79-4c3b-8cee-19ae7203b223\r\nTimestamp: 2024-05-16 17:35:02Z\r\n"}

evazoe1410 commented 2 months ago

nach Wechsel der Domänenendung auf "com" funktioniert es wieder, bei der 0.2.1 hat es mit "de" funktioniert.

mlapp commented 2 months ago

Stimmt. Mit der com-Endung kann sich der Adapter wieder anmelden. Danke für den Hinweis.

TA2k commented 2 months ago

0.2.3 ist auf .com wieder umgestellt aber mal sehen wie lange das noch mit akamai bot detection funktioniert

weindler commented 2 months ago

hier die doku Getting Started with FordConnect.docx Ford Developer 3 PROD Collection.zip

wenn du die zugangsdaten client id und die secret brauchst, dann gib mir deine mailadresse dann sende ich sie dir. Die kann man zwar nicht ändern aber ich da vertraue ich auf dich.

TA2k commented 1 month ago


TA2k commented 1 month ago

Ich habe mal blind was in GitHub implementiert aber konnte es bisher nicht testen

Wondermusic commented 1 month ago

Ich habe das gerade die Version 1.0.2 auf einem Testserver probiert, aber leider bekomme ich im Log nur das hier (der Adapter bleibt rot):

2024-05-29 07:09:17.869 - info: host.lf-webcam "system.adapter.ford.0" disabled
2024-05-29 07:09:29.877 - info: host.lf-webcam "system.adapter.ford.0" enabled
2024-05-29 07:09:29.977 - info: host.lf-webcam instance system.adapter.ford.0 started with pid 25233
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ford/main.js:506
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: { command: 'location', name: 'True = Refresh Location' },
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: ^
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at internalCompileFunction (node:internal/vm:76:18)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1283:20)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1328:27)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1019:12)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: Node.js v18.20.2
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - error: host.lf-webcam instance system.adapter.ford.0 terminated with code 1 (JS_CONTROLLER_STOPPED)
2024-05-29 07:09:30.074 - info: host.lf-webcam Restart adapter system.adapter.ford.0 because enabled
2024-05-29 07:10:00.111 - info: host.lf-webcam instance system.adapter.ford.0 started with pid 25241
2024-05-29 07:10:00.242 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ford/main.js:506
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: { command: 'location', name: 'True = Refresh Location' },
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: ^
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at internalCompileFunction (node:internal/vm:76:18)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1283:20)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1328:27)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1019:12)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: Node.js v18.20.2
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - error: host.lf-webcam instance system.adapter.ford.0 terminated with code 1 (JS_CONTROLLER_STOPPED)
2024-05-29 07:10:00.243 - info: host.lf-webcam Restart adapter system.adapter.ford.0 because enabled
2024-05-29 07:10:02.986 - info: host.lf-webcam "system.adapter.ford.0" disabled
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ford/main.js:506
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: { command: 'location', name: 'True = Refresh Location' },
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: ^
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at internalCompileFunction (node:internal/vm:76:18)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1283:20)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1328:27)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1422:10)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1203:32)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1019:12)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam Caught by controller[0]: Node.js v18.20.2
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - error: host.lf-webcam instance system.adapter.ford.0 terminated with code 1 (JS_CONTROLLER_STOPPED)
2024-05-29 07:10:30.374 - info: host.lf-webcam Do not restart adapter system.adapter.ford.0 because disabled or deleted


Auf meinem anderen System läuft noch die 0.2.3, mit der der Adapter im Moment wieder grün wird und auch Daten abruft.

TA2k commented 1 month ago

Geht wieder

TA2k commented 1 month ago

Bitte testen ob location.. vin.. geht

andig commented 1 month ago

In meinen Tests bei evcc geht VIN mangels Berechtigungen nicht.

Wondermusic commented 1 month ago

Bitte testen ob location.. vin.. geht

Was genau meinst Du damit?

EDIT: Wenn Du beide Werte meinst, ,die abgerufen werden sollen... Wurden bei aktualisiert. Die Position wird auch exakt abgerufen.

weindler commented 1 month ago

Hi, folgende Fehler erhalte ich da.


2024-05-29 15:54:47.114 - error: ford.0 (10344) Failed to get vin

2024-05-29 15:54:47.114 - error: ford.0 (10344) AxiosError: Request failed with status code 403 2024-05-29 15:54:47.114 - error: ford.0 (10344) ""
