TA2k / ioBroker.volvo

Volvo On Call Adapter for ioBroker
MIT License
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Volvo require the Two-Factor (2FA) auth starting "shortly" #22

Open kschaumann opened 4 months ago

kschaumann commented 4 months ago

My Volvo Car app has informed me, that I have to be prepared for using the 2FA "next". For this a valid eMail or Phone-Number must be set in Account.

I create this issue to ensure (resp. check), that this Adapter is still working after 2FA ist activated.

More Infos are provieded by the Volvo Homepage: https://www.volvocars.com/mt/support/latest-information/article/b068deb09f5d441ec0a80151612623e7

jobe39 commented 2 months ago

It is not only 2FA that changes. Volvo released a new API version and the old one is deprecated (by end of April). New API brings 2FA and needs a registration of the application at Volvo Dev, to be able to register a re-direct URL for 2FA.