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Universal Computation on Bitcoin: a gentle introduction to BitVMX #104

Open azavalla opened 2 weeks ago

azavalla commented 2 weeks ago


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The evolution of blockchain computation took a significant step forward in 2017 with the introduction of what we like to call Disputable Computation Paradigm, pioneered by TrueBit. Leveraging its low average on-chain computing cost, this paradigm became the foundation for optimistic rollups in building second-layer solutions. In 2023, Robin Linus adapted this approach for Bitcoin with the introduction of BitVM, marking a significant advancement in bringing efficient disputable computation to the Bitcoin network.

BitVMX builds upon the contributions of TrueBit and BitVM, presenting a novel CPU design that enables optimistic verification of arbitrary programs directly on Bitcoin. This framework supports common architectures like RISC-V and facilitates the execution of fully-compliant processors programmable through standard compilation toolchains. The core innovations of BitVMX include the use of hash chains for program traces, memory-mapped registers, and a robust challenge-response protocol, offering flexibility to balance transaction costs, round complexity, and prover/verifier costs. Bitvmx can do generic computation, so it is not only suitable for SNARK verification, but also for shorter tasks, such as payment channel integrity checks. Our goal is to establish a secure, extensible, open-source, peer-reviewed, and sidechain-agnostic framework that serves as a versatile foundation for developing blockchain bridges, aggregator oracles, SNARK/STARK verifiers, and more.

This talk will provide a basic yet complete introduction to BitVMX, covering its design, the challenges faced, and the solutions we found. Attendees will gain insight into how BitVMX achieves efficient on-chain verification and facilitates fast, cost-effective dispute resolutions.

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Is there anything folks should read up on before they attend this talk?

If you're looking to familiarize yourself with BitVMX concepts or gain an early insight, consider reviewing these resources:

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Length of Talk

30 minutes.

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*We will do our best to accommodate your requested time slot. Please let us know if there are any dates/times that absolutely do not work for you.*

horologger commented 2 weeks ago

Seems like a worthy topic. Upvote from me.