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FOSS Malaise: Fighting through motivation black holes & productivity barriers #76

Open kdmukai opened 1 month ago

kdmukai commented 1 month ago


FOSS dev is a different beast than corp dev and is different even from working for a bitcoin company. We're driven by passion and exuberance, but we're often working alone or at least in greater isolation.

Not surprisingly, sometimes circumstances / life / etc knock us off our feet and out of our coding groove. And sometimes it's frustratingly hard as hell to resume. A funk. A malaise. Want to move forward but can't.

I just went through this myself earlier this year. It really sucked. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been through it.

Panelists* will share their experiences of periods when they've struggled with motivation or productivity. What factored into the derailment? What prolonged it? Physical ailments? Mental ailments? What mistakes did you make in trying (or not trying) to deal with it?

And most importantly: HOW did you pull yourself out of it? What were the key ingredients?

What would an attendee learn from this talk?

Hopefully everyone will be made more aware of some of these motivation pitfalls and be armed with more strategies for how to recover should they feel a funk cloud gathering over them.

*(I'll put out a call for volunteers who'd like to participate)

About the panelist

Social Links

GitHub: kdmukai Twitter: KeithMukai

Panel Discussion Details

~ 1hr.

Any day / time slot.

jdlcdl commented 1 month ago

Few would be courageous enough to want to talk about this. I suspect many would be interested listeners.

miketwenty1 commented 1 month ago

@kdmukai this is definitely an interesting idea. Do you have an idea on who potential moderator and panelist would be?

kdmukai commented 1 month ago

@miketwenty1 I'm hoping to recruit two more people who've gone through something similar (I'll get started on that hopefully this weekend). I don't think a separate moderator is needed; I can guide us through the phases of the convo easily enough.

andrewlunde commented 2 weeks ago

Keith, we discussed this casually in Nashville at Bitcoin Park on the back deck.

I'd be interested in joining the panel if you'll have me.



iglesiasbrandon commented 2 weeks ago

This might be a great way to kick off day 1 or day 2 because those days are centered around open-source contributions!

kdmukai commented 1 week ago

I finally put together the call for volunteers to join the panel.

@andrewlunde you def had some awesome insights. As people start responding (hopefully!) I'll reach out to learn more about everyone's individual experiences and will try to figure out what the optimal mix might be.