TACC-Cloud / agave-cli

The Tapis CLI
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3.0.2 #102

Closed JoshuaUrrutia closed 5 years ago

JoshuaUrrutia commented 5 years ago
Updating jobs-stop to work with aloe and agave ## Description Using this curl call: ``` curl -sk -H "${authheader}" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"action":"stop"}' "$hosturl$args?pretty=true" ``` ## Motivation and Context makes the cli work with aloe to stop jobs - [ ] I have raised an issue to propose this change (required) ## How Has This Been Tested? Yes, tested both with agave and aloe ran off this docker container: ``` docker run --rm -it jurrutia/agave_cli:3.0.2 auth-session-init jobs-submit -F job.json jobs-stop $JOB_ID ``` ## Types of changes
