The Core CMS codebase used by TACC Portals.
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System Projects Explorer i.e. Visqueue Tool #90

Closed wesleyboar closed 6 months ago

wesleyboar commented 3 years ago

Abandoned. This idea was the least "mentioned again" request of all requests for Frontera.



Create a modular version of the Frontera sunburst diagram and table from Visqueue that can be used in Django CMS.


The Visqueue is run off the code at TACC/Visqueue, which uses Angular and D3. The components of interest are sunburst-dialog (should be …-diagram) and sunburst-table, but there is also sunburst.service. The author is available to lend assistance.




  1. What parameter(s) would user pass to plugin?
  2. Should a snippet be a stopgap before a plugin?
  3. Which idea to use for implementation?


  1. Wrap Angular version in standard Web Component (so Angular is contained within it).
  2. Migrate Sunburst code out to pieces that React* component and the Angular app could utilize.
  3. Build React* version of this Angular one, and maintain both.
  4. Build standard Web Component version of Sunburst feature that the Angular app could use.

* React is considered because TACC/Core-Portal is using it instead of Angular for TACC Portals. (How to share components between TACC/Core-CMS and TACC/Core-Portal has not been decided.)

wesleyboar commented 6 months ago

Abandoned. This idea was the least "mentioned again" request of all requests for Frontera.