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tr1::bad_weak_pt exception #16

Open neuralvis opened 11 years ago

neuralvis commented 11 years ago


I have been getting this exception every time I try to load a simple jpg image content file (same with any type of content): Do you know what's going on ? I am using a simple configuration with localhost. Triaging the issue yields an explanation here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5558734/c-bad-weak-ptr-error but I have not been able to fix it .... any help/advice would be appreciated.

void MainWindow::updateGLWindows():  &g_displayGroupManager=0x18f4750
void MainWindow::updateGLWindows(): MPI Rank: 1 : BREAKPOINT : 

***Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

void MainWindow::updateGLWindows(): MPI Rank: 1 :Updating : 
void MainWindow::updateGLWindows():  &g_displayGroupManager=0x18f4750
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveMessages(): MPI Rank: 1 : Entering: 
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveMessages(): MPI Rank: 1 : mpi allreduce called: allflag = 1, flag = 1
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveMessages(): MPI Rank: 1 : MPI Receive message type: 0 
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveMessages(): MPI Rank: 1 : Calling receiveDisplayGroup(mh):
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveDisplayGroup(MessageHeader): MPI Rank: 1 : BREAKPOINT : 
void DisplayGroupManager::receiveMessages(): MPI Rank: 1 : Exiting: 
void MainWindow::updateGLWindows():  &g_displayGroupManager=0x18f5160
void MainWindow::updateGLWindows(): MPI Rank: 1 : BREAKPOINT : 

**terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::bad_weak_ptr> >'
  what():  tr1::bad_weak_ptr**
gregjohnson commented 11 years ago


Can you tell us what version of Boost you're using? We've seen this issue before when using older versions -- for example with Boost 1.41.0.

Using Boost 1.44.0 or higher seems to eliminate the problem. We currently use 1.51.0 and 1.53.0 without issue on our systems.

Thanks, Greg

tribal-tec commented 11 years ago

I encounter the same issue with the default Boost version 1.41.0 on RHEL6.

tribal-tec commented 11 years ago

@gregjohnson You're right. I tested with Boost 1.53.0, and then it works. You have ideas what causes the problem?

gregjohnson commented 11 years ago

We think it's an issue with improper serialization of shared/weak_ptr's by Boost. In our experience, the bug has been isolated to Boost 1.41.0. Since this is the default version on CentOS/RHEL 6, we'll see what more we can dig up.