TACC / MassivePixelEnvironment

Massive Pixel Environment (MPE) is a Processing library for easily extending sketches to distributed display environments.
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does this support processing 2.1.2? #18

Open lisongx opened 10 years ago

lisongx commented 10 years ago

can't running correctly on my machine, anyone still using this recently?

lisongx commented 10 years ago

in the run.sh file, the app path seems to be ./application.macosx/MPEPeasy.app/Contents/MacOS/MPEPeasy now. but that can't make it run..

rturknett commented 10 years ago

We will be releasing a new version soon that supports 2.1.2. The working source for that version is here, along with the updated MPEPeasy example, but the documentation isn't updated yet:


lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett tha'ts great!

BTW, How do I build the processing library from source?

rturknett commented 10 years ago

You will need Eclipse and the latest Oracle JDK, and you will need to edit the resources/build.properties file for your environment.

Generic instructions for building Processing libraries can be found here:


rturknett commented 10 years ago

I can also send a recent build to your email address if you like.

lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett it's very kind of you, my email is iseansay@gmail.com. thx!

rturknett commented 10 years ago

Hi @seansay, I haven't forgotten about sending you the build. However, we need to update the documentation first since a number of things have changed. Hope to do that early next week. Also, what platform will you be running on?

lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett I'm on mac os x. thx

lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett did you have a working example...I'm trying to using shiffman's most pixal ever, but ... it's very frustrating

rturknett commented 10 years ago

@seansay I can send you a build that includes a working example that we've tested on Linux (CentOS), but we haven't yet documented how to run it.

What kind of cluster are you running on? Are the cluster machines also Mac OSX?

lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett I was just trying to use this in 3 computers, is this not the right way to achive this?

Basicly I have a processing sketch, and I want to use 3 projector to projecto to three wall in one room. What do you recommend?

rturknett commented 10 years ago

@seansay Yes, you can use our MPE library for this. However, for a three projector setup MPE is designed to use 4 computers -- one for the controller/head display and one for each projector. If you have another computer+monitor that you can use for the head display, that would be ideal.

lisongx commented 10 years ago

@rturknett Currently I'm trying to use mostpixelever, which I can run the server on one of the 3 computers. The problem I have is the sketch just randomly frozen...seems that the client have connection problem with server, do you have any idea why this might be?

rturknett commented 10 years ago

Hi @seansay, I can't help you with mostpixelsever, but it should be possible in theory to configure Massive Pixel Environment with the head node (server) on one of the 3 display nodes. We haven't tested that recently, though.