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Date filtering bugs - Cuff Pressure tab - labeling and ordering #44

Open jcf2 opened 2 weeks ago

jcf2 commented 2 weeks ago

Note: the first of these relates to filtering, but the second is more of a general issue.


The Cuff Filter tab with the Release 1 selection currently looks like this: Release1_cuff_pressure

It would be nice if there were a title on the plot that reflected the selection, e.g. in this case "Release 1", or even "Release 1 (595 presurgical scan sessions)".

Also, all cuff pressures are in mmHg, and I suppose we could indicate that somewhere. That is perhaps something that could be done through #16, though?


When the selection includes V3 scans, the order is "backwards", with the V3 shown first.

8/26/24 selection of "6 months" window 6month_cuff_press_26aug2024

It would seem to make more sense to have V1 before V3?

And possibly touching on a more general note (since it could apply elsewhere) -- maybe we should consider expanding "V1" and "V3" to include a more descriptive label, e.g. "presurgical (V1)" and "3 months post-surgery (V3)"? I'm not sure that would fit conveniently in every other case, but here that seems like it would work well.

jcf2 commented 2 weeks ago

Also, note that #13 still looks needed for this tab: should display the counts of CUFF1 scans with pressure recorded, but currently displays counts of T1w scans

E.g. with current 30 day window there are three UIC scans, all of which have a T1w but only one of which has CUFF1 and CUFF2. The cuff pressure display has a line instead of a box (i.e. is likely plotting a single value) but has the number "3" over it.