TACC / tup-ui

React client for TACC User Portal
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bug/tup-655 Fix footer social icon overlap #372

Closed R-Tomas-Gonzalez closed 7 months ago

R-Tomas-Gonzalez commented 8 months ago


Quick Fix: On production site, social media icons overlap the branding icons on footer.




  1. https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/ Scroll down to footer, expand window (if not on wide screen) and make sure icons don't overlap.


before after
Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 5 56 49 PM Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 5 59 52 PM Not sure the max-height is necessary. @wesleyboar please advise.


wesleyboar commented 7 months ago

Not sure the max-height is necessary. @wesleyboar please advise.

The max-height is not necessary, but serves a purpose a preventing images from becoming too tall in edge cases. The latest footer code makes those edge cases rare.

very wide screen, sans max very wide screen, with max
very wide screen, sans max very wide screen, with max