TACC / tup-ui

React client for TACC User Portal
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feat: core-cms v4.8 & core-styles v2.25 #436

Closed wesleyboar closed 4 months ago

wesleyboar commented 4 months ago


Update Core-CMS & Core-Styles to latest versions.







  1. Create/View news filtered by tag e.g. https://tacc.utexas.edu/news/latest-news/tag/frontera/. Verify it looks like "NEWS — Frontera" (where "Frontera" is the tag name) i.e. TUP-707

  2. View/Add link to external site that does not have target="_blank" set. Reload page. Verify link markup is given both target="_blank" and aria-description="Opens in new window". i.e. TUP-702

  3. Test on TUP. Load homepage. Verify all home page banner links do not open in a new window. i.e. TUP-707

Core-Styles on CMS

  1. View/Add a table. View on narrow screen. Verify it still looks CMS table. i.e. does not have TUP-534 yet

    Sample Markup ```html
    Sample Table
    and some
    sample data
  2. View/Add a button pattern with less text and wide width. Verify text is centered. i.e. TACC/Core-Styles#307

    Sample Markup ```html ```
  3. View/Add a tag pattern. Verify it has padding of 0.25rem 0.5rem 0rem (source). TACC/Core-Styles#301

    Sample Markup ```html Tag ```
  4. View/Add an <hr>. Verify it does not have width: 100%. i.e. TACC/Core-Styles#310

    Sample Markup ```html
  5. Cause a CMS form error — one way is to fill out form, throttle network to appear offline, and submit form. Verify form error has correct padding. i.e. Check that TUP-676 is fixed.

Core-Styles on Portal

  1. Visit http://localhost:8000/portal/account. Verify text of purple buttons is centered. i.e. TACC/Core-Styles#307



  1. news tagged frontera
    tag - frontera
  2. docs.tacc opens in new window
    open in new window
  3. homepage small image links homepage big image link
    small links to localhost big link to locahost

Core-Styles on CMS

1. table 2. button
table button
3. tag 4. hr
tag hr
  1. before after
    TUP-661 cms form error

Core-Styles on Portal

  1. before after
    before after