TAMU-CPT / training-material

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Updates screenshots for all tutorials in "Phage Annotation Pipeline in CPT Galaxy" folder #102

Closed meiliuCPT closed 3 years ago

meiliuCPT commented 3 years ago

@jdc-cpt, you takes care of the first three (Annotation In Apollo, Structural Annotation Workflow, Functional Annotation Workflow). I shared the "test_20201003" Apollo organism for you to take images

jdc-cpt commented 3 years ago

Intro to CPT galaxy and Intro to Apollo are look good to me. Still looking at the rest

jdc-cpt commented 3 years ago

tmp-chaperone-frameshifts/tutorial.md screenshots are updated. Most were fine as were. Apollo-record-to-Genbank didn't need anything changed screenshot-wise annotation-in-apollo is still needing considerable work functional-annotation-workflow needs a little work before it is ready. Should be simple to change out tomorrow. structural-annotation-workflow needs several photo's swapped. Should be wrapped up pretty easily tomorrow.

jdc-cpt commented 3 years ago

Structural and functional workflow screenshots updated.

jdc-cpt commented 3 years ago

Annotation in apollo screenshots have been updated. This issue is closable now.